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/ the-satellite Public archive

The API communication module only for iOS 15+ and macOS 13+ written in Swift


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Frame 7@3x

The Satellite is an API communication module only for iOS written in Swift.


I welcome and appreciate contributions from the community. If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute code, please submit an issue or a pull request on our GitHub repository freely. Please see 💪 How to Contribute in Discussion tab.


When you contribute code via pull request, please add the unit tests for your new functions.


The Satellite is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Installation guide for your Swift Package

  1. In your Package.swift Swift Package Manager manifest, add the following dependency to your dependencies argument:
    .package(url: ", .branch("main")),
  2. Add the dependency to any targets you've declared in your manifest:
    .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["Satellite"]),

Installation guide for your Xcode project

To use the Satellite in your project, follow these steps:

  1. In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  2. In the search bar, paste the the Satellite URL:
  3. Select the branch as main to install.
  4. Click Next, and then click Finish.


To use the Satellite in your project, add the following import statement at the top of your file:

import Satellite

v1: Sputnik

"Version Sputnik" is the very first version of the Satellite, providing very basic public interfaces for API communication in Swift. It offers two main interfaces, one for Swift concurrency and another for Combine. Let's see how to use them.

See Also

Here is the class diagram for the Satellte: Sputnik

1. Creating the new Satellite instance with your host domain

let satellite = Satellite(
    host: "{BASE.URL}",
    scheme: .http // default: `.https`

2. Declare Request and Response

// Expected response object
struct CatFact: Codable {
    let text: String

3-a. Sending the request and receiving the response (Combine/Publisher)

let satellite = Satellite(host: "")
cancellable  = statellite
    .responsePublisher<ResponseType: [CatFact]>(
        for: "facts/random",
        httpMethod: .get,
        queryItems: [
            URLQueryItem(name: "animal_type", value: "cat"),
            URLQueryItem(name: "amount", value: "2")
        receiveCompletion: { print ("Received completion: \($0).") },
        receiveValue: { catFacts in print("Cat Facts: \(catFacts).")}


For the more information on URLSession data task publisher, please see this link

3-b. Sending the request and waiting the response (Async await)

let satellite = Satellite(host: "")
let catFacts: [CatFact] = try await satellite.response(
    for: "facts/random",
    httpMethod: .get,
    queryItems: [
        URLQueryItem(name: "animal_type", value: "cat"),
        URLQueryItem(name: "amount", value: "2")
self.text = catFacts
    .compactMap { $0.text }
    .joined(separator: ", ")


For the more information on using async/await style, please see this link


The API communication module only for iOS 15+ and macOS 13+ written in Swift





