Check out the documentation for this release to find out how to get started with KubeOne.
- Add support for Kubernetes 1.14
- Add support for upgrading from Kubernetes 1.13 to 1.14
- Add support for Google Compute Engine (#307, #317)
- Update machine-controller when upgrading the cluster (#304)
- Add timeout after upgrading each node to let nodes to settle down (#316, #319)
- Deploy machine-controller v1.1.2 on the new clusters (#317)
- Creating MachineDeployments and upgrading nodes tasks are repeated three times on the failure (#328)
- Allow upgrading to the same Kubernetes version (#315)
- Allow the custom VPC to be used with the example AWS Terraform scripts and switch to the T3 instances (#306)
Checksums can be found in the kubeone_0.5.0_checksums.txt