CraTENet is a multi-output deep neural network with multi-head self-attention for thermoelectric property prediction, based on the CrabNet architecture. This repository contains code that can be used to reproduce the experiments described in the paper, including an implementation of the CraTENet model, using the Tensorflow and Keras frameworks. It also provides a means of obtaining the data required for the experiments.
- Getting Started
- Obtaining the Training Data: The Dataset Preprocessing Pipeline
- Training the Thermoelectric Property Predictors
- Training the Band Gap Predictor
- Evaluating Thermoelectric Property Predictions
- Generating Selenides with SMACT
- Development
To set up a Python environment with all the required dependencies, first clone this repository and then install with
(Python 3.6 is required); from the root of the repository:
$ pip install .
NOTE: It is highly recommended that a separate virtual Python environment is used. For example, one could create a
Python virtual environment using conda, before installing with the pip
$ conda create -n "cratenet_env" python=3.6
$ source activate cratenet_env
This project utilizes data from the Ricci et al. electronic transport database, which is transformed into a format that the CraTENet snd Random Forest models accept. Although files containing the training data are provided for download, and can be immediately used with the models, the entire dataset preprocessing pipeline is described here for the sake of transparency and reproducibility.
The full contents of the original Ricci et al. database can be downloaded from At the time of this writing, the dataset on
the Dryad website (which hosts the data) is organized into a number of different files.
For the purposes of this project, we're only interested in the files etransport_data_1.tar
. These files must be downloaded, and their contents extracted. The contents of these archives
are compressed .json files, one for each compound (identified by their Materials Project ID). The .tar archives contain
thousands of compressed .json files, thus, it is perhaps best to extract a .tar file's contents into its own directory,
for ease of use.
NOTE: It is not strictly required that the Ricci et al. database data be downloaded. This can be skipped. This information is provided for the sake of full reproducibility, should one wish to derive the training dataset from the original database.
Assuming that the Ricci et al. electronic transport database files have been downloaded and exist in two directories,
and etransport_data_2/
, the following script can be used to extract the S and σ
tensor diagonals (from which the target values will ultimately be derived):
$ python bin/ \
--dir ./etransport_data_1 ./etransport_data_2 \
--out ricci_data_xyz.csv
The same can be done to extract the band gaps associated with each compound:
$ python bin/ \
--dir ./etransport_data_1 ./etransport_data_2 \
--out ricci_data_gap.csv
Alternatively, previously extracted S and σ tensor diagonals can be downloaded directly:
$ python bin/ xyz
The xyz
argument specifies that the tensor diagonals data should be downloaded. To download the previously extracted
band gap data, use the gap
argument instead:
$ python bin/ gap
NOTE: It is not strictly required that these extracted datasets be obtained. This can be skipped. This information is provided for the sake of full reproducibility, should one wish to derive the training data from the original database.
Once the tensor diagonals have been extracted, the traces of the S and σ tensors, and the power factor
(PF) trace, must be computed. These datasets can be created using the ricci_data_xyz.csv
For example, to create the Seebeck traces:
$ python bin/ seebeck \
--data ricci_data_xyz.csv.gz \
--out seebeck_mpid_traces.csv.gz
Similarly, the cond
argument can be used (in place of the seebeck
argument) to compute the electronic
conductivity traces, and the pf
argument can be used to compute the power factor traces.
Alternatively previously computed traces can be downloaded directly:
$ python bin/ seebeck_mpid_traces
The cond_mpid_traces
argument can be used (in place of the seebeck_mpid_traces
argument) to download previously
computed electronic conductivity traces, and the pf_mpid_traces
argument can be used to download previously computed
power factor traces.
NOTE: It is not strictly required that these trace datasets be obtained. This can be skipped. This information is provided for the sake of full reproducibility, should one wish to derive the training data from the original database.
The files produced by
contain a mapping from Materials Project ID to traces. However, we are
interested in compositions. Since there are multiple Materials Project IDs with the same composition in the Ricci et al.
database, we must somehow disambiguate these duplicates. We choose to use the Materials Project ID corresponding to the
structure of the lowest energy polymorph.
$ python bin/ \
--traces out/seebeck_mpid_traces.csv.gz out/seebeck_comp_traces.csv.gz \
--traces out/cond_mpid_traces.csv.gz out/cond_comp_traces.csv.gz \
--traces out/pf_mpid_traces.csv.gz out/pf_comp_traces.csv.gz \
--formulas data/ricci_formulas.csv \
--energies data/mp-2022-03-10-ricci_task_ener_per_atom.csv.gz \
--gaps data/ricci_gaps.csv out/comp_gaps.csv \
--mpids out/comp_to_mpid.csv
In this example, the seebeck_comp_traces.csv.gz
, cond_comp_traces.csv.gz
, pf_comp_traces.csv.gz
, and
files are produced as output. These files each represent a mapping from composition to either traces or
gaps. As stated above, the compositions were chosen by selecting the structure with the lowest energy polymorph in cases
where entries corresponded to the same composition. The comp_to_mpid.csv
file, containing a mapping from compositions
to the MP ID selected, is also produced.
NOTE: It is not strictly required that these files be created. They can instead be downloaded. This information is provided for the sake of full reproducibility, should one wish to derive the training data from the original database.
Alternatively, previously deduplicated trace files can be downloaded...
$ python bin/ seebeck_comp_traces
$ python bin/ cond_comp_traces
$ python bin/ pf_comp_traces
$ python bin/ comp_gaps
$ python bin/ comp_to_mpid
Once the traces have been computed for each of the properties, and they have been associated with deduplicated compositions, they must be used to create training datasets that the CraTENet and Random Forest models accept. This transforming the compositions into representations usable by the model, and associating the representations with the computed traces, and optionally, band gap.
$ python bin/ \
--seebeck out/seebeck_comp_traces.csv.gz out/rf_seebeck_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10cond out/cond_comp_traces.csv.gz out/rf_log10cond_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10pf out/pf_comp_traces.csv.gz out/rf_log10pf_dataset.pkl.gz \
--metadata out/comp_to_mpid.csv
$ python bin/ \
--seebeck out/seebeck_comp_traces.csv.gz out/rf_seebeck_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10cond out/cond_comp_traces.csv.gz out/rf_log10cond_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10pf out/pf_comp_traces.csv.gz out/rf_log10pf_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--gaps out/comp_gaps.csv \
--metadata out/comp_to_mpid.csv
$ python bin/ \
--seebeck out/seebeck_comp_traces.csv.gz out/cratenet_seebeck_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10cond out/cond_comp_traces.csv.gz out/cratenet_log10cond_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10pf out/pf_comp_traces.csv.gz out/cratenet_log10pf_dataset.pkl.gz \
--atom-vectors data/skipatom200_20201009_induced.csv \
--metadata out/comp_to_mpid.csv
$ python bin/ \
--seebeck out/seebeck_comp_traces.csv.gz out/cratenet_seebeck_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10cond out/cond_comp_traces.csv.gz out/cratenet_log10cond_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--log10pf out/pf_comp_traces.csv.gz out/cratenet_log10pf_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--atom-vectors data/skipatom200_20201009_induced.csv \
--gaps out/comp_gaps.csv \
--metadata out/comp_to_mpid.csv
NOTE: It is not strictly required that the training datasets be created. They can instead be downloaded. This information is provided for the sake of full reproducibility, should one wish to derive the training data from the original database.
Alternatively, the pre-created datasets may be downloaded...
To perform cross-validation with the Random Forest model:
$ python bin/ \
--dataset out/rf_seebeck_dataset.pkl.gz
To perform cross-validation with the CraTENet model:
$ python bin/ \
--dataset-seebeck out/cratenet_seebeck_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--dataset-log10cond out/cratenet_log10cond_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--dataset-log10pf out/cratenet_log10pf_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
Note that the --with-gaps
argument is optional, and should only be provided when the datasets contain gaps and we'd
like the gaps to be given as input to the model.
The cross-validation scripts optionally produce files that contain the predictions and corresponding actual values for
each fold. Simply provide the --results-dir
argument when invoking the scripts, supplying the directory where the
files should be placed.
To perform a 90-10 holdout experiment with the Random Forest model:
$ python bin/ \
--dataset out/rf_seebeck_dataset.pkl.gz \
--predictions out/rf_holdout_seebeck_predictions.csv \
--actual out/rf_holdout_seebeck_actual.csv
To perform a 90-10 holdout experiment with the CraTENet model:
$ python bin/ \
--dataset-seebeck out/cratenet_seebeck_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--dataset-log10cond out/cratenet_log10cond_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--dataset-log10pf out/cratenet_log10pf_gap_dataset.pkl.gz \
--with-gaps \
--results-dir out/holdout_temp
Note that the --with-gaps
argument is optional, and should only be provided when the datasets contain gaps and we'd
like the gaps to be given as input to the model.
To evaluate the predictions produced by the ML models, the
script can be used. This script
requires the path to the .csv file containing the predictions, the path the .csv file containing the actual values, and
it allows the doping levels, doping types, and temperatures of interest to be specified, in order to understand the
performance through various cross-sections of the data.
To evaluate predictions:
$ python bin/ \
--predictions out/rf_holdout_seebeck_predictions.csv \
--actual out/rf_holdout_seebeck_actual.csv \
--doping-level 1e+16 1e+17 \
--doping-type p \
--temperature 600
To generate ternary selenides using SMACT:
$ python bin/ \
--out out/generated_smact_selenides_ternary.txt
A pre-generated list of SMACT ternary selenides is located in data/generated_smact_selenides_ternary.txt
The recommended method for creating a development environment is to use conda, along with the supplied environment.yml
file. From the root of the project:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
This will create a conda environment with all the dependencies required for development. Simply activate the newly created conda environment:
$ source activate cratenet_env
Alternatively, a Python virtual environment can be created, and then pip
can be used to install the dependencies
specified in the requirements.txt
file into the virtual environment.
To run the unit tests:
$ python -m unittest discover tests "*"