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A Large Language Model of the CIF format for Crystal Structure Generation


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CrystaLLM is a Transformer-based Large Language Model of the CIF (Crystallographic Information File) format. The model can be used to generate crystal structures for a given composition and, optionally, space group. The model is based on the GPT-2 architecture. This repository contains code that can be used to reproduce the experiments in the paper Crystal Structure Generation with Autoregressive Large Language Modeling. The model definition, training, and inference code in this repository is adapted from the nanoGPT repository.


Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • This project requires Python 3.9 or greater.
  • This project requires PyTorch 2.0.1.

Creating a Local Environment

It is a good practice to have separate, dedicated Python environments for different projects. Perform the following optional steps to create and activate a local environment:

  1. Create a Python virtual environment:
python -m venv crystallm_venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment:
source crystallm_venv/bin/activate

Installing Dependencies

Clone this repository to your local machine. Then, from the root of the cloned project, install the required packages by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This command reads the requirements.txt file, and installs all the dependencies in the environment.

Next, if PyTorch 2.0.1 is not already present in your environment, install PyTorch:

pip install torch==2.0.1

NOTE: You may need to perform extra, or alternate steps to install PyTorch on your particular system. See the PyTorch documentation for more information.

Finally, install the crystallm module from the root of the cloned project:

pip install -e .

This command will install the crystallm module in editable mode.

Obtaining the Training Data

Downloading the Original CIF Files

The pre-assembled collection of CIF files which have been downloaded from the Materials Project (MP), the OQMD, and NOMAD are contained in the cifs_v1_orig.tar.gz file. To download this file, execute the following command from the root of the cloned project:

python bin/ cifs_v1_orig.tar.gz

This archive contains 3,551,492 CIF files, each containing a unique filename assigned by us which indicates the origin of the file, which we refer to as its ID. For subsequent steps, we require that inputs be provided as a serialized Python list, in pickle format, because it is the most efficient format we found for working with over 3 million CIF files in this context. Therefore, we provide a utility for converting the .tar.gz file to a .pkl.gz file:

python bin/ cifs_v1_orig.tar.gz cifs_v1_orig.pkl.gz

The resulting .pkl.gz file contains a serialized Python list of 3,551,492 (ID, CIF string) 2-tuples. Alternatively, the cifs_v1_orig.pkl.gz can be downloaded directly:

python bin/ cifs_v1_orig.pkl.gz

However, please be aware that this .pkl.gz file is reliant on Python's serialization mechanism, and may not be compatible with future versions of Python.

NOTE: These files are close to 700 MB in size.

This dataset includes data from the Materials Project.

A. Jain*, S.P. Ong*, G. Hautier, W. Chen, W.D. Richards, S. Dacek, S. Cholia, D. Gunter, D. Skinner, G. Ceder, K.A. Persson (*=equal contributions). The Materials Project: A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation. APL Materials, 2013, 1(1), 011002.

This dataset includes data from the OQMD database.

J. E. Saal, S. Kirklin, M. Aykol, B. Meredig, and C. Wolverton. Materials Design and Discovery with High-Throughput Density Functional Theory: The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD). JOM 65, 1501-1509 (2013).

This dataset includes data from NOMAD.

M. Scheidgen, L. Himanen, A. Ladines, D. Sikter, M. Nakhaee, Á. Fekete, T. Chang, A. Golparvar, J. Márquez, S. Brockhauser, S. Brückner, L. Ghiringhelli, F. Dietrich, D. Lehmberg, T. Denell, A. Albino 1, H. Näsström, S. Shabih, F. Dobener, M. Kühbach, R. Mozumder, J. Rudzinski, N. Daelman, J. Pizarro, M. Kuban, C. Salazar, P. Ondračka, H.-J. Bungartz, C. Draxl. NOMAD: A distributed web-based platform for managing materials science research data. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(90), 5388.

This dataset is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.

Deduplicating the Original CIF Files

The original CIF dataset contains duplicates when combinations of cell composition and space group are considered. To disambiguate CIF files that have the same combination of cell composition and space group, we choose the CIF file with the lowest volume per formula unit. To deduplicate the original CIF file dataset, execute the following command from the root of the cloned project:

python bin/ cifs_v1_orig.pkl.gz --out cifs_v1_dedup.pkl.gz

This will produce the cifs_v1_dedup.pkl.gz file, which contains a serialized Python list of 2,285,914 CIF strings, each as a 2-tuple, (ID, CIF string), where every ID is unique.

Alternatively, the cifs_v1_dedup.pkl.gz file can be downloaded directly:

python bin/ cifs_v1_dedup.pkl.gz

The cifs_v1_dedup.tar.gz file can also be downloaded and converted locally to the cifs_v1_dedup.pkl.gz file using the script.

Pre-processing the CIF Files

Before the CIF dataset can be used, it must be standardized and augmented. We refer to this step as pre-processing. To pre-process the CIF dataset, execute the following command from the root of the cloned project:

python bin/ cifs_v1_dedup.pkl.gz --out cifs_v1_prep.pkl.gz --workers 4

This will produce the cifs_v1_prep.pkl.gz file, which contains a serialized Python list of 2,285,719 augmented CIF strings, each as a 2-tuple, (ID, CIF string), where every ID is unique. The number of processes can be specified with the workers argument, to speed up processing.

Alternatively, the cifs_v1_prep.pkl.gz file can be downloaded directly:

python bin/ cifs_v1_prep.pkl.gz

The cifs_v1_prep.tar.gz file can also be downloaded and converted locally to the cifs_v1_prep.pkl.gz file using the script.

Splitting the Dataset into Train, Validation and Test Sets

To split the CIF dataset into train, validation and test sets, execute the following command from the root of the cloned project:

python bin/ cifs_v1_prep.pkl.gz \
--train_out cifs_v1_train.pkl.gz \
--val_out cifs_v1_val.pkl.gz \
--test_out cifs_v1_test.pkl.gz

This will produce the cifs_v1_train.pkl.gz, cifs_v1_val.pkl.gz, and cifs_v1_test.pkl.gz files. The random_state, validation_size, and test_size arguments can also be specified, but have default values of 20230610, 0.10, and 0.0045, respectively.

The cifs_v1_train.pkl.gz file contains a serialized Python list with 2,047,889 entries. The cifs_v1_val.pkl.gz file contains a serialized Python list with 227,544 CIF entries. The cifs_v1_test.pkl.gz file contains a serialized Python list with 10,286 entries. Each entry is a 2-tuple, (ID, CIF string), where every ID is unique.

Alternatively, the cifs_v1_train.pkl.gz, cifs_v1_val.pkl.gz, and cifs_v1_test.pkl.gz files can be downloaded directly, using, for example:

python bin/ cifs_v1_train.pkl.gz

The cifs_v1_train.tar.gz, cifs_v1_val.tar.gz, and cifs_v1_test.tar.gz files can also be downloaded and converted locally to the corresponding .pkl.gz files using the script.

Tokenizing the Dataset

Before the model can process the CIF files, they must be tokenized; that is, they must be converted into a sequence of integers representing the distinct sequence of symbols that comprise the CIF files. Only the training set (and optionally the validation set) need to be tokenized. To tokenize the CIF files:

python bin/ \
--train_fname cifs_v1_train.pkl.gz \
--val_fname cifs_v1_val.pkl.gz \
--out_dir tokens_v1_train_val/ \
--workers 4

The result of this command is that the tokens_v1_train_val/ directory will be created. In the directory, the following files will be present: train.bin, val.bin, meta.pkl, and tokens_v1_train_val.tar.gz. The files ending in .bin contain the token indices. These files are NumPy arrays of type np.uint16 that have been serialized to a binary format. The file tokens_v1_train_val.tar.gz is simply a compressed tarball containing the train.bin, val.bin, and meta.pkl files, for convenience.

Alternatively, the tokens_v1_train_val.tar.gz file can be downloaded directly:

python bin/ tokens_v1_train_val.tar.gz

Another option is to tokenize the entire dataset:

python bin/ \
--train_fname cifs_v1_prep.pkl.gz \
--out_dir tokens_v1_all/ \
--workers 4

The resulting tokens_v1_all.tar.gz file can alternatively be downloaded directly:

python bin/ tokens_v1_all.tar.gz

Identifying CIF Start Indices

At training time, the token start indices of the training CIFs can optionally be provided. These must be extracted from the tokenized files. To identify the token start indices:

python bin/ \
--dataset_fname tokens_v1_train_val.tar.gz \
--out_fname starts_v1_train.pkl

Note that only the training set start indices are extracted, and not the validation set's, despite it being present in the provided file.

Alternatively, the starts_v1_train.pkl file can be downloaded directly:

python bin/ starts_v1_train.pkl

Using Your Own CIF Files

To use your own CIF files, prepare a directory containing the CIF files. Ensure that each CIF file has a unique name and ends with the .cif extension. Then, perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare the custom CIF files:
python bin/ custom_cifs/ custom_cifs.tar.gz

where custom_cifs/ is the name of the directory containing the CIF files to be prepared, and custom_cifs.tar.gz is the name of the .tar.gz file to be created, which will contain the prepared CIF files.

  1. To use the downstream scripts (e.g. to pre-process the files so that they can be split and tokenized), convert the .tar.gz file to a .pkl.gz file:
python bin/ custom_cifs.tar.gz custom_cifs.pkl.gz

Training the Model

To train the model, use the bin/ script. The training script expects the path to a directory containing the tokenized and encoded dataset. The directory is expected to have the following files:

  • train.bin: binary file containing the encoded training tokens produced during the tokenization step (required)
  • val.bin: binary file containing the encoded validation tokens produced during the tokenization step (required if validate is True, else optional)
  • starts.pkl: sorted Python list of CIF start indices for the training set (optional)
  • starts_val.pkl: sorted Python list of CIF start indices for the validation set (optional)

The training script uses a set of configuration options that define how training should behave. These configuration options all have default values, except for the dataset option, which specifies the path to the training dataset. It is the only option that is required to be specified by the user.

Expand for supported configuration options and their default values
out_dir: str = "out"  # the path to the folder where the model checkpoints will be stored
eval_interval: int = 250  # how often to evaluate against the validation set
log_interval: int = 1  # how often to print to
eval_iters_train: int = 200
eval_iters_val: int = 200
eval_only: bool = False  # if True, script exits right after the first eval
always_save_checkpoint: bool = False  # if True, always save a checkpoint after each eval
init_from: str = "scratch"  # 'scratch' or 'resume'

# data
dataset: str = ""  # the path to the folder containing the .bin files with encoded tokens
gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 40  # used to simulate larger batch sizes
batch_size: int = 64  # if gradient_accumulation_steps > 1, this is the micro-batch size
block_size: int = 2048  # context of up to `block_size` previous characters

# model
n_layer: int = 12
n_head: int = 12
n_embd: int = 768
dropout: float = 0.0  # for pretraining 0 is good, for finetuning try 0.1+
bias: bool = False  # do we use bias inside LayerNorm and Linear layers?

# AdamW optimizer
learning_rate: float = 6e-4  # max learning rate
max_iters: int = 600000  # total number of training iterations
weight_decay: float = 1e-1
beta1: float = 0.9
beta2: float = 0.95  # make a bit bigger because number of tokens per iter is small
grad_clip: float = 1.0  # clip gradients at this value, or disable if == 0.0

# learning rate decay settings
decay_lr: bool = True  # whether to decay the learning rate
warmup_iters: int = 2000  # how many steps to warm up for; not super necessary potentially
lr_decay_iters: int = 600000  # should be ~= max_iters per Chinchilla
min_lr: float = 6e-5  # minimum learning rate, should be ~= learning_rate/10 per Chinchilla

# system
device: str = "cuda"  # examples: 'cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1' etc., or try 'mps' on macbooks
dtype: str = "bfloat16"  # 'float32', 'bfloat16', or 'float16', the latter will auto implement a GradScaler
compile: bool = True  # use PyTorch 2.0 to compile the model to be faster
underrep_p: float = 0.0
validate: bool = False  # whether to evaluate the model using the validation set

All the other options can be changed by specifying their values in a .yaml file, or as command line arguments when invoking the bin/ script. NOTE: When an option occurs both in the .yaml file and as a command line argument, the command line argument will have precedence.

In the following minimal example, we have a directory named tokens_v1_all, which contains a file named train.bin, which contains all the dataset's encoded tokens, and we start training using the data in that folder:

python bin/ dataset=tokens_v1_all

In the example above, the configuration options (e.g. learning rate, number of training iterations, etc.) will be assigned their default values. If we want to override these options with our own values, we can use a .yaml file:

python bin/ --config=my_train.yaml

where my_train.yaml contains all the options to be overriden (including the dataset option).

We can also supply command line arguments, in addition to a .yaml file:

python bin/ --config=my_train.yaml dropout=0.3

In this case, the dropout option will have a value of 0.3, regardless of what's in the .yaml file.

See the config/train_example.yaml file for a more detailed example. We've also included the configurations used for the large and small models in the config directory.

It's also good practice to specify a value for the out_dir option, which is the path to the directory where the model will be saved. During training, a checkpoint containing the current model is saved to this directory periodically (depending on how training is configured). The checkpoint is a file named, and any existing file in the out_dir will be overwritten every time the model is saved during training.

Generating Crystal Structures

Generating crystal structures with a trained model requires prompting the model with text that describes the desired composition and, optionally, space group of the crystal structure.


A prompt in this context refers to the partial contents of a (pre-processed) CIF file. Typically, the prompt contains the cell composition, which is a formula specifying the total count of each type in the unit cell. For example, Na2Cl2 is a cell composition. NOTE: The elements of the cell composition must be sorted by electronegativity. The first token in the CIF file is usually data_. Therefore, to prompt the model with a cell composition, the model
would be prompted with data_Na2Cl2\n. (We've appended the new line character \n to indicate the end of the line.)

For convenience, use the bin/ script to create a prompt for a given cell composition. For example, to create a prompt for the cell composition Na2Cl2:

python bin/ Na2Cl2 my_prompt.txt

optionally, include a space group:

python bin/ Na2Cl2 my_sg_prompt.txt --spacegroup P4/nmm

The prompt will be saved to a file named as specified by the second argument.

Random Sampling

To randomly sample from a trained model, and generate CIF files, use the bin/ script. The sampling script expects the path to the folder containing the trained model checkpoint, as well as the prompt, and other configuration options.

Expand for supported configuration options and their default values
out_dir: str = "out"  # the path to the directory containing the trained model
start: str = "\n"  # the prompt; can also specify a file, use as: "FILE:prompt.txt"
num_samples: int = 2  # number of samples to draw
max_new_tokens: int = 3000  # number of tokens generated in each sample
temperature: float = 0.8  # 1.0 = no change, < 1.0 = less random, > 1.0 = more random, in predictions
top_k: int = 10  # retain only the top_k most likely tokens, clamp others to have 0 probability
seed: int = 1337
device: str = "cuda"  # examples: 'cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', etc.
dtype: str = "bfloat16"  # 'float32' or 'bfloat16' or 'float16'
compile: bool = False  # use PyTorch 2.0 to compile the model to be faster
target: str = "console"  # where the generated content will be sent; can also be 'file'

For example:

python bin/ \
out_dir=out/my_model \
start=FILE:my_prompt.txt \
num_samples=2 \
top_k=10 \
max_new_tokens=3000 \

In the above example, the trained model checkpoint file exists in the out/my_model directory. The prompt is in a file located at my_prompt.txt. Alternatively, we could also have placed the configuration options in a .yaml file, as we did for training, and specified its path using the --config command line option.

Instead of specifying a file containing the prompt, we could also have specified the prompt directly:

python bin/ \
out_dir=out/my_model \
start=$'data_Na2Cl2\n' \
num_samples=2 \
top_k=10 \
max_new_tokens=3000 \

Assuming we're in a bash environment, we use the $'string' syntax for the start argument, since we'd like to specify the \n (new line) character at the end of the prompt.

The generated CIF files are sent to the console by default. Include the target=file argument to save the generated CIF files locally. (Each file will be named sample_1.cif, sample_2.cif, etc.)

NOTE: The CIF files generated using the bin/ script will need to be post-processed. See the Post-processing section for more information.


The content generated directly by the model needs to be post-processed into a usable CIF file. To post-process the output of the model, use the bin/ script:

python bin/ my_raw_cifs my_processed_cifs

In the above example, the first argument is the path to the folder containing "raw" CIF files (i.e. directly generated by the model). The folder must contain one or more files ending with the .cif extension. The second argument contains the path to the folder where the processed CIF files should be written. This folder will be created if it doesn't exist.

Monte Carlo Tree Search Decoding

To perform Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) decoding, use the bin/ script. The path to the folder containing a trained model will need to be provided. Other configuration options are available to tune the behaviour of the algorithm.

Expand for supported configuration options and their default values
out_dir: str = "out"  # path to the folder containing the model checkpoint file
temperature: float = 1.0  # 1.0 = no change, < 1.0 = less random, > 1.0 = more random, in predictions
start: str = "\n"  # the prompt; can also specify a file, use as: "FILE:prompt.txt"
seed: int = 1337
device: str = "cuda"  # examples: 'cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', etc.
dtype: str = "bfloat16"  # 'float32' or 'bfloat16' or 'float16'
compile: bool = False  # use PyTorch 2.0 to compile the model to be faster
tree_width: int = 10  # the tree width
max_depth: int = 1000  # the maximum depth of the tree
c: float = 5.  # the selector constant: c_puct for PUCT, c for UCT, epsilon for greedy
num_simulations: int = 200  # the number of simulations to perform during search
bond_length_acceptability_cutoff: float = 1.0
reward_k: float = 2.0  # the reward constant
mcts_out_dir: str = "mcts"  # path to the directory where generated CIF files will be stored
scorer: str = "zmq"  # supported values: 'zmq', 'random'
scorer_host: str = "localhost"  # required if `scorer` is 'zmq'
scorer_port: int = 5555  # required if `scorer` is 'zmq'
use_context_sensitive_tree_builder: bool = True
top_child_weight_cutoff: float = 0.99
selector: str = "puct"  # valid values: 'puct', 'uct', 'greedy'
n_space_groups: int = 0
bypass_only_child: bool = False
n_rollouts: int = 1  # the number of rollouts to perform per simulation

For example:

python bin/ \
out_dir=out/my_model \
device=cuda \
dtype=float16 \
start=FILE:out/prompt.txt \
tree_width=5 \
max_depth=2000 \
selector=puct \
c=1.0 \
num_simulations=1000 \
reward_k=2.0 \
scorer=random \
top_child_weight_cutoff=0.9999 \
bypass_only_child=True \

In the above example, the trained model checkpoint file exists in the out/my_model directory. The prompt is actually in a file located at out/prompt.txt. The generated (post-processed) CIF files will be placed in the mcts_out_dir directory. We could also have placed the configuration options in a .yaml file, as we did for training, and specified its path using the --config command line option.

Note that in the example above, the scorer configuration option was assigned a value of random. This instructs the algorithm to make use of a random scorer, which will assign a random score to each CIF file. The random scorer is intended to be used only for demonstration or debugging purposes, when a true scorer is not available. In practice, a true scorer, which assigns a score based on the quality of the generated CIF, should be used. Support is provided for obtaining the score from another process, via the ZMQ library, and in such a case, the scorer would be assigned a value of zmq. See this script for an example of setting up ALIGNN to listen for and respond to prediction requests using ZMQ.

Using a Pre-trained Model

To use a pre-trained model, first download it:

python bin/ crystallm_v1_small.tar.gz

Then, decompress and extract the file:

tar xvf crystallm_v1_small.tar.gz

This will result in a folder named crystallm_v1_small containing a file. Indicate the crystallm_v1_small directory when using the bin/ script, for example.

The config folder in this project contains a number of model configuration .yaml files. A corresponding .tar.gz model file exists for each .yaml file in that directory that begins with crystallm_, which can be downloaded.

Evaluating Generated CIF Files

The bin/ script can be used to evaluate CIF files generated by the model. As an example, take the CIF files of the main dataset's test set and create prompts from them:

python bin/ cifs_v1_test.pkl.gz -o prompts_v1_test.tar.gz

Then, use the bin/ script to generate CIF files using the small model:

python bin/ \
--model crystallm_v1_small \
--prompts prompts_v1_test.tar.gz \
--out gen_v1_small_raw.tar.gz \
--device cuda \
--num-gens 1

Finally, perform the evaluation:

python bin/ gen_v1_small_raw.tar.gz -o gen_v1_small_eval.csv

which produces the output:

space group consistent: 10172/10286 (0.989)
atom site multiplicity consistent: 10226/10286 (0.994)
avg. bond length reasonableness score: 0.9879 ± 0.0703
bond lengths reasonable: 9763/10286 (0.949)
num valid: 9682/10286 (0.94)
longest valid generated length: 1,085
avg. valid generated length: 331.981 ± 42.971

The results of the evaluation will be printed to the console and stored in the generated gen_v1_small_eval.csv file. The results will include:

  • the fraction of generated CIF files where the printed space group is consistent with the generated structure
  • the fraction of generated CIF files that are consistent in terms of atom site multiplicity
  • the average bond length reasonableness score, and the fraction of generated CIF files that have reasonable bond lengths
  • the fraction of generated CIF files that are valid
  • the longest valid generated tokenized length
  • the average valid generated tokenized length

The .csv file will contain more information for each of the (processable) generated CIF files, including the generated and implied cell volumes, and whether the generation was valid.

Extracting the Learned Embeddings

To extract the learned atom, digit, and space group embeddings from a trained model, use the bin/ script:

python bin/ out/my_model \
--dataset tokens_v1_all.tar.gz \
--out my_model.atom_vectors.csv \
--type atom

In the example above, the out/my_model folder contains the model checkpoint file. The dataset .tar.gz file that was used to train the model is also required, as we need the meta.pkl file containing the token-to-index mappings. The my_model.atom_vectors.csv indicates the name of the .csv file that will contain the embeddings. Finally, the type option indicates what type of embedding to extract. Supported values are: atom, digit, and spacegroup.

The extracted embeddings for the small model are made available in this project, in the resources folder:

  • crystallm_v1_small.atom_vectors.csv
  • crystallm_v1_small.number_vectors.csv
  • crystallm_v1_small.spacegroup_vectors.csv

To read the embeddings from the .csv file:

from crystallm import embeddings_from_csv

embeddings = embeddings_from_csv("./my_model.atom_vectors.csv")

The embeddings is a Python dictionary where a key is a token, and the value is a NumPy array.

The Challenge Set

The challenge set can be downloaded:

python bin/

The .zip file contains a separate folder for each of the compounds in the challenge set. Each folder contains 3 files: the compound's original CIF file, a .txt file containing the prompt for the compound without the space group, and a .txt file containing the prompt for the compound with the space group. A properties.csv file is also present which lists various physical properties for the compounds in the set.


CrystaLLM has been evaluated on the Perov-5, Carbon-24, MP-20 and MPTS-52 benchmarks. To reproduce the benchmark evaluation experiments, see this document.

Data Availability

All trained models, training sets, and artifacts generated by the models have been uploaded to Zenodo. The files are publicly accessible at: All files are released under the CC-BY 4.0 license.

A catalog of all the available files is located in this document.


To run the unit tests:

python -m unittest discover tests

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues, or have any questions, please feel free to open an issue in this repository.

Citing CrystaLLM

Please use the following bibtex entry:

  title={Crystal Structure Generation with Autoregressive Large Language Modeling},
  author={Antunes, Luis M and Butler, Keith T and Grau-Crespo, Ricardo},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.04340},


A Large Language Model of the CIF format for Crystal Structure Generation







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