Sorts your tailwind classes, just like prettier-plugin-tailwindcss.
The plugin integrates with Treesitter to find classes. This means it can work in any language and is easy to extend to new file types.
- Works in more file types than prettier does (using a treesitter integration),
confirmed to work with:
- jsx
- tsx
- html
- twig
- handlebars
- elixir/heex
- astro
- haskell
- any languages that inject any of the above languages
- Not having to pull in prettier just to have your classes sorted
- Easier/faster than prettier if all you want is tailwind sorting
- Easy to extend to other languages or use-cases
sorts classes in the current buffer:TailwindSortOnSaveToggle
toggles automatic sorting on save
- NodeJS, tested with v16, v18 and v20
- nvim-treesitter
- plenary
The following is the default configuration:
on_save_enabled = false, -- If `true`, automatically enables on save sorting.
on_save_pattern = { '*.html', '*.js', '*.jsx', '*.tsx', '*.twig', '*.hbs', '*.php', '*.heex', '*.astro' }, -- The file patterns to watch and sort.
node_path = 'node',
trim_spaces = false, -- If `true`, trim any extra spaces after sorting.
dependencies = {'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'},
build = 'cd formatter && npm ci && npm run build',
config = true,
use {
requires = {'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'},
config = function() require('tailwind-sorter').setup() end,
run = 'cd formatter && npm ci && npm run build',
call plug#begin()
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'laytan/tailwind-sorter.nvim', { 'do': 'cd formatter && npm ci && npm run build' }
call plug#end()
lua <<EOF
I strongly recommend reading :h treesitter-query
before doing this.
TLDR: tailwind-sorter.nvim looks for tailwind.scm
files in your queries
directory and sorts any @tailwind
captures. Make sure to add them to the
config if you use the on save sort feature.
Here is how you would add support for jsx syntax (if it was not added already):
- Create the file
- We will paste the following to target any string inside the className attribute:
(property_identifier) @_name
(#eq? @_name "className")
(string_fragment) @tailwind))
- Add any file extension for jsx in the
on_save_pattern = { '*.html', '*.jsx', '*.tsx' },
Please consider PR'ing this extension back to the plugin.