10 euro 10 dollar auto water fill automation controller timer
emmervuller repareren, emmervuller reviseren, emmervuller renoveren, emmervuller automatiseren, emmervuller controller, emmervuller timer
low cost bucket water fill timer conveyor automation controller
Aalsmeer floraholland bloemen emmervuller bloemen container vuller low cost flower bucket filling
bloemen emmer vuller Fustenvuller QuickFill Emmervuller Rackinsterter volautomatisch emmervuller
Lift type
place stack off xxx buckets on the lift and press startbutton
lift goes up to optical sensor then fills bucket for xxx time with water
if top bucket filled with flowers and take out
lift goes higher to optical sensor again and fills it with water
if stack off buckets empty lift moves up to top endswitch
and goes down to down endswitch
place a new stack off buckets
press start and lift goes up top bucket to optical sensor and fills top bucket with water
und so weiter GOTO BEGIN: with nutricient?/chloride? snakepump flow dosing https://youtu.be/9cRqXQjeAf8
Lift type
Arduino flower bucket filling / auomatic bucket filling / auomatic container filling
arduino bucket filling cup filling
arduino i2c lcd rotary encoder for setting fill time seconds/miliseconds
water valve with flat hose
conveyer or lift type up down max
optical sensors or maybe better ultrasonic sensors no droplets errrors
Cheap ultrasonic car parking sensor for bucket detection
Automatic Water Bottle Filling System | Conveyor Belt | Arduino Project