Hi there, I'm Lenny 👨🏽💻
🤓 Full-stack web developer. Lifelong learner. Currently into anything web: UI, backend and everything in between. 💻
👨🏽💼 Software developer at AppDirect helping businesses find, buy, use, and manage software
🔭 I’m currently enjoy working on projects with React, Node, Express, and GraphQL
👨🏫 I teach React and Node workshops with SCS Concordia
⚡ When I'm not coding, I love playing the 🎸; watching, gaming, and playing 🏀
🤝 I'm a mentor. Reach out via one of my socials 👇🏽 if you're interested.
👥 Collaborating on some open source projects github
🧰 Tinkering some UI on codepen and codesandbox
Don't be a stranger. Say hi! 😊