使用 js 配置,开发 ant-design 表单, 在线示例
$ npm install --save antd-form-render
$ yarn add antd-form-render
- 基于 js 配置开发 ant design 表单
- 支持 Grid, Flex, Space 三种布局
- 与 react 数据驱动视图理念保持一致
- 基于 react-hooks
- 使用 typescript 编写,开发智能提示
import React from 'react';
import { Form, Button, Input } from 'antd';
import { GridRender } from 'antd-form-render';
const GridOneColumn = () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const layout: Item[] = [
label: '手机号',
name: 'tel',
rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入' }],
element: <Input placeholder="请输入" maxLength={11} />,
label: '密码',
name: 'pwd',
element: <Input.Password placeholder="请输入"></Input.Password>,
element: (
<Flex justify="flex-end">
<Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">
return (
<Form form={form} layout="vertical" style={{ width: 400 }}>
<GridRender layout={layout} />
export default GridOneColumn;
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Input, Radio, Form } from 'antd';
import { GridRender } from 'antd-form-render';
const GridNColumns = () => {
const layout: Item[] = [];
const [cols, setCols] = useState(4);
for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
label: `输入框${i + 1}`,
name: `name${i}`,
element: <Input placeholder="请输入" />,
return (
<Form layout="vertical">
<div style={{ marginBottom: 24 }}>
onChange={(e) => setCols(Number(e.target.value))}
<Radio value={1}>1行1列</Radio>
<Radio value={2}>1行2列</Radio>
<Radio value={3}>1行3列</Radio>
<Radio value={4}>1行4列</Radio>
<GridRender layout={layout} columnCount={cols} gutter={[8, 8]} />
export default GridNColumns;
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Input, Radio, Form, Button } from 'antd';
import { SpaceRender } from 'antd-form-render';
const SpaceLayout = () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const layout: Item[] = [];
const [space, setSpace] = useState(8);
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
name: `name${i}`,
label: `输入框${i + 1}`,
element: <Input placeholder="请输入" />,
element: (
onClick={() => {
return (
<Form form={form} layout="horizontal">
<div style={{ marginBottom: 24 }}>
onChange={(e) => setSpace(Number(e.target.value))}
<Radio value={8}>8px</Radio>
<Radio value={16}>16px</Radio>
<Radio value={24}>24px</Radio>
<Radio value={32}>32px</Radio>
<SpaceRender layout={layout} size={space} />
export default SpaceLayout;
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Input, Radio, Form, Button } from 'antd';
import { FlexRender, Item } from 'antd-form-render';
const FlexLayout = () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const layout: Item[] = [];
const [gap, setGap] = useState(8);
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
name: `name${i}`,
label: `输入框${i + 1}`,
element: <Input placeholder="请输入" />,
element: (
onClick={() => {
return (
<Form form={form} layout="horizontal">
<div style={{ marginBottom: 24 }}>
onChange={(e) => setGap(Number(e.target.value))}
<Radio value={8}>8px</Radio>
<Radio value={16}>16px</Radio>
<Radio value={24}>24px</Radio>
<Radio value={32}>32px</Radio>
<FlexRender layout={layout} gap={gap} justify="flex-end" />
export default FlexLayout;
- 定义 form onValuesChange 同步状态到外部 state, 触发重新渲染实现表单联动(全量渲染)
- 利用 Form.Item dependencies / shouldUpdate 和自定义 render 实现表单联动 (非全量渲染)
import React from 'react';
import { Form, Radio, Divider } from 'antd';
import { GridRender, Item } from 'antd-form-render';
const DynamicRender = () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const layout: Item[] = [
label: '姓名',
name: 'name',
element: <Input placeholder="请输入" />,
itemProps: {
noStyle: true,
element: () =>
form.getFieldValue('name') ? (
<div style={{ marginBottom: 24 }}>
姓名: {form.getFieldValue('name')}
) : null,
label: '喜欢的运动',
name: 'sports',
element: <Checkbox.Group options={['篮球', '足球', '排球']} />,
element: () =>
form.getFieldValue('sports')?.length ? (
<div> 你的选择: {form.getFieldValue('sports')?.join(', ')}</div>
) : (
return (
<Form form={form}>
<GridRender layout={layout}></GridRender>
export default DynamicRender;
import { Rule } from 'rc-field-form/lib/interface';
import type { SpaceProps, FlexProps, RowProps } from 'antd';
* Render配置项
* @export
* @interface Item
export type Item = {
* React Node, 优先级高于type定义的组件类型
* 定义了element,会优先type渲染 , 优先级 element > render function > type + elProps 定义的组件
element?: React.ReactNode | null | (() => React.ReactNode | null);
* React组件类型,例如:Input、DatePicker, "input"
type?: React.ComponentType | string;
* Form.Item name 字段
name?: string | Array<string | number>;
* Form.Item label
label?: React.ReactNode;
* 自定义渲染
render?: () => React.ReactNode;
* 动态返回Item,优先级高于render
getJSON?: () => Item | null;
* 组件props,会透传给type定义的组件
elProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
* Form.Item的props,会透传给Form.Item
itemProps?: FormItemProps;
* Form.Itemrules,也可在itemProps里定义
rules?: Rule[];
export type GridRenderProps = RowProps & {
* 布局配置
layout: Item[];
* GridRender 一行的列数, 可以是: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4, 默认1,
columnCount?: number;
export type SpaceRenderProps = SpaceProps & {
* 1维数组,存储组件配置信息/自定义渲染组件
layout: Item[];
export type FlexRenderProps = Partial<FlexProps> & {
layout: Item[];
export type layoutType = 'grid' | 'space' | 'flex';
* Grid布局
* @param {GridRenderProps} props - The properties for the GridRender component.
* @param {Item[]} props.layout - The layout data, an array of items to be rendered in the grid.
* @param {number} [props.columnCount=1] - The number of columns in the grid.
* @param {object} ..rest - Additional properties to be passed to the inner Row component.
* @returns {React.ReactElement} The rendered grid layout.
declare const GridRender: React.FC<GridRenderProps>;
* Flex布局
* @param {FlexRenderProps} props - The properties for the FlexRender component.
* @param {Item[]} props.layout - The layout data, an array of items to be rendered in the flex layout.
* @param {FlexProps} [props.flexProps] - Additional properties to be passed to the inner Flex component.
* @returns {React.ReactElement} The rendered flex layout.
declare const FlexRender: React.FC<FlexRenderProps>;
* Space 布局
* @param {SpaceRenderProps} props - The properties for the SpaceRender component.
* @param {Item[]} props.layout - The layout data, an array of items to be rendered in the space.
* @returns {React.ReactElement} The rendered space layout.
declare const SpaceRender: React.FC<SpaceRenderProps>;