Scrapes and performs pattern matching on Runescape grand exchange data.
VERY much still a work in progress. For now the workflow is as follows:
Before doing anything, open up and input the ItemID numbers for the items you are interested in into item_ids
You can find itemIDs either on the Official Runescape Grand Exchange website by looking at the URL, or you can use a website like the Runescape Wiki.
Run in your terminal
>>> python
The data will be stored in .csv files in the directory is located in
Note that in there is a variable called pagenums
, this determines how far back into GrandExchangeWatch's data the scraper will go. Some items aren't old enough to go back very far, and others can go back to the beginning of RS. GrandExchangeWatch gives how many days of data they have for each item, so some logic should be written to scrape all available days based on that information.
Run the same way as
>>> python
This will run the pattern-matching on all members of your item_ids
list as long as the .csv files have been generated. will output another .csv file called ItemsOfInterest.csv, which will contain the items in your list which are projected to rise in price in the next 20 days. The Twitter bot uses this file to write its tweets.