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sway examples:

managed by chezmoi.

keyboard layout:


this repo contains an etc directory.

to copy this to /etc, run (while in clone dir)

sudo cp -r etc/* /etc

this directory has etc/default/grub, mkinitcpio.conf, and a getty login dropin file.

now run the hibernator script (if you have swap set up.)

sudo ./hibernator

to apply changes, update grub with

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg or sudo update-grub

rebuild initramfs,

sudo mkinitcpio -P

and reboot.



there is a usr directory here aswell. this has a script ( in it that re-enables the lid switch after hibernating

this fixes an issue where systemd suspends instead of hibernating if you close the lid right before systemctl hibernate is ran (in ~/.config/hypr/scripts/hibernate)

waybar fonts

ttf-font-awesome, ttf-roboto-mono and ttf-roboto-mono-nerd are needed for waybar to show correctly.

also, if you have a smaller screen resolution, consider adjusting the padding-right css defs in ~/.config/waybar/style.css

also noto-fonts (mostly) is used everywhere else


you might want to disable annoying "connection activated" notifications.

those can be disabled with

gsettings set org.gnome.nm-applet disable-disconnected-notifications "true"
gsettings set org.gnome.nm-applet disable-connected-notifications "true"


to set the cursor, open nwg-look and go to Mouse cursor and set the theme to Posy's Cursor 125%. image


be sure to select the correct audio source with pavucontrol when screen recording.

to do this, go to pavucontrol and to the "Recording" tab (while screen recording) and select the correct audio source.

for example:

also, you only have to do this once, the settings will save.

missing drivers/firmware

on my hp-dy2024nr, the power button and lid does nothing, so, i made a fix.

to enable it, just uncomment the source=~/.config/hypr/missingdriversfix.conf line in hyprland.conf


i use the adwaita-icon-them, gnome-themes-extra, and epapirus-icon-theme packages, and they can be set in nwg-look:

image image


if you want to open sway, just open a new TTY (ctrl+alt+f2) and run the script (./

to go back, just press ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to the hyprland tty.

to exit sway, press super+shift+e and press yes. you can now exit the tty ctrl+d and switch back to tty1.