hamt is a simple hash-array-mapped-trie (Phil Bagwell) with bitcount tricks. Should be used with erlang/otp branch Smaller memory footprint than htrie but could be better. (We don't need the extraword in records for example) Will probably rework this as an built-in-datastructure in beam. (Some work has een done on this but nothing is ready for relase)
htrie is a hashtrie with good insert properties and descent lookup properties. Uses hashed keys on a radix trie (without bitcount mappings). It has similar properties to dict in lookup, but faster inserts.
The test data indicates very good properties but a big disclaimer here,
- Update seems very slow.
- The overall structure consumes more memory then dict.
- This is not very well tested so there might be some problems somewhere =)
Also this is just a concept, not intended for production.