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build ROM files for Intel 6th-14th Gen iGPU passthrough in PVE VMs(intel6-14代pve虚拟机核显直通使用rom)


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intel 6-14代pve虚拟机核显直通使用rom 使用说明(不支持ultra1 2代台式机和笔记本,没机器测试懒得搞)交流qq群 102166071(pve) qq群 25438194(666) qq群 173541997(天钡)

Usage Instructions for Intel 6th-14th Generation CPU Integrated GPU Passthrough in PVE Virtual Machines using Custom ROM Files (Note: This solution is not compatible with Ultra 1st/2nd Generation (e.g., Meteor Lake architecture) desktops and laptops, as no testing has been conducted on these devices due to lack of hardware availability.)

本项目fork edk2 2024年12月5日版本

This project is forked from the EDK2 version dated December 5, 2024.

一、关于源码About source code:

在fork edk2 源码基础上,增加或者修改部分文件而来,详细见commit文件和代码差异

This project is developed by adding or modifying specific files based on the forked EDK2 source code repository. For detailed modifications, refer to the commit history and code differences.

二、代数说明Intel CPU Gen Description:

1、12-14代:完美了, bios画面,安装系统,安装显卡驱动都可以,出hdmi声音。完美突破了gangqizai 的不开源,可以不用gzgang的闭源二进制文件了。

For 12th-14th Gen CPUs: Achieved full compatibility.BIOS interface, OS installation, and graphics driver installation now work flawlessly.HDMI audio output is functional.Successfully bypassed the closed-source limitations of gangqizai's project , eliminating dependency on its proprietary binaries.

2、11代: bios画面,安装系统,安装显卡驱动都可以。就是hdmi声卡出不来,解决办法就是要刷机器bios,把bios里面的两个参数改了或者弄成能设置选择 bios刷进去就好了。大概就是iDisplay Audio Link Frequency改为48mhz,iDisplay Audio Link T-Mode改为4T,如果不行再降低。详见: 或者搜b站其他up主他们的教程 。刷bios有风险。

For 11th Gen Intel CPUs:BIOS interface, OS installation, and graphics driver installation work normally.HDMI audio not detected: Requires modifying BIOS parameters to resolve.Solution Steps:Flash Modified BIOS ,Modify two critical parameters in BIOS settings:iDisplay Audio Link Frequency: Set to 48MHz,iDisplay Audio Link T-Mode: Set to 4T.If issues persist, reduce the values incrementally (e.g., try lower frequencies or T-Mode configurations). Refer to Bilibili tutorials (e.g., ) or search "11th Gen HDMI audio BIOS fix" on Bilibili.


For 6th-10th Gen Intel CPUs: If your machine supports enabling CSM in BIOS and setting the integrated graphics (iGPU) to Legacy mode, you can directly use the SeaBIOS + i440fx/Q35 configuration in a virtual machine. No additional ROM files are required (e.g., 6-14.rom mentioned in some guides). Even if a ROM is needed, it should be extracted from your own hardware (refer to widely available online success cases).

我这里是主要针对6-10代小主机或者笔记本等bios没有开csm选项或者没法核显设置为Legacy模式使用,虚拟机只能用ovmf+i440fx加载6-14.rom使用,但是呢有些机器他还是有小bug的,会和这个项目 中的描述症状一样:WIN10 直通安装没有任何问题,可以正常直通到物理显示器,但是一旦装了UHD驱动就黑屏了,只能RDP远程进去,暂时没找到解决办法!ubuntu测试完美,直通安装与安装完显示器都能在4K 60HZ下工作。我在j4105机器上遇见一样的问题,不管是用最新的6-10代核显驱动还是2019年及以前发布的6-10代核显驱动,只要一驱动了必黑屏。这是前人源代码埋下来的坑,快4年了无人解决,我也解决不了,找我没用。有网友反馈驱动黑屏问题是因为硬盘分区表问题,用mbr就可以了,我估计4-10代如果安装核显后驱动黑屏,大家可以试下安装的时候硬盘用mbr,实在不会就选择ide硬盘给win10虚拟机试试,如果能解决记得反馈。

Here, it mainly concerns situations where the BIOS of small host computers or laptops from the 6th to 10th generations doesn't have the CSM option enabled, or the integrated graphics cannot be set to the Legacy mode. For virtual machines, one can only use OVMF + i440fx to load the 6 - 14.rom. However, some machines still have minor glitches, with symptoms similar to those described in this project: When directly installing Windows 10, there are no issues, and it can be directly connected to a physical monitor. But once the UHD driver is installed, the screen goes black, and one can only access it via RDP remotely. So far, no solution has been found. Ubuntu has been tested and works perfectly. Both during the direct installation and after installation, the monitor can operate at 4K 60HZ. I encountered the same problem on a J4105 machine. Whether using the latest 6th - 10th generation integrated graphics drivers or those released in 2019 or earlier, the screen always goes black once the driver is installed. This is a problem left by the original source code, and it has remained unsolved for nearly four years. I can't solve it either, so don't come to me. Some netizens have reported that the black - screen issue after driver installation is due to the hard - disk partition table problem. Using MBR might solve it. I suspect that for the 4th - 10th generations, if the screen goes black after installing the integrated graphics driver, you can try using MBR for the hard disk during installation. If you really don't know how, try using an IDE hard disk for the Windows 10 virtual machine. If it solves the problem, please provide feedback.

三、关于虚拟机机型设置Virtual Machine Configuration Settings:

intel核显直通6-14代统一使用ovmf+i440fx机型(i440fx至少7.0以上到最新都可以),当然也支持ovmf+q35(这个说下是可以的,大家就别去折腾找虐了,i440fx足够稳定了,我都是劝人放弃q35这个想法,q35看看这两个视频就是了 ,别去浪费时间折腾,直接玩独显q35直通没烦恼)

For Intel integrated graphics passthrough across 6th to 14th generations, it is recommended to unify the configuration using OVMF + i440fx machine type (i440fx version 7.0 or newer). While OVMF + q35 is technically supported, we strongly advise against wasting time troubleshooting q35 for integrated graphics passthrough.q35 is incompatible with Intel iGPU.

四、关于编译源码About source code compilation:


If you don't want to compile and prefer to use it directly, simply use the 6-14.rom file in the Build folder.

4.1 编译准备工作preparatory work for compilation:

①、首先下载本项目Download this project first

git clone 可能会断掉,请多试几次。你可以使用代理加速(如何切换git clone后的版本自行百度)。 因为只使用编译后的efi以及生成的rom

②、进入intel6-14rom目录运行一下 bash 成功

Navigate to the intel6-14rom directory and run the bash script successfully.

③、到Build目录进行操作,合并出来具体型号的rom或者88合一rom 参考 最后一行命令

Navigate to the Build directory and merge the ROMs for specific models or create the 88-in-1 combined ROM by referencing the last command in the end line script.

或者你在windows上直接双击运行 cmd运行自动生成88合一rom.bat 就是


4.2 如何使用how to use

①、nano /etc/default/grub 文件中增加内容add text GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet intel_iommu=on"

②、nano /etc/modprobe.d/pve-blacklist.conf 文件中增加内容add text

blacklist i915

blacklist snd_hda_intel

options vfio_iommu_type1 allow_unsafe_interrupts=1

③、执行下面三个命令run the following three commands


update-initramfs -u -k all


④、新建win虚拟机并修改虚拟机参数Create a Windows virtual machine and modify its configuration parameters(nano /etc/pve/qemu-server/100.conf )为类似下面 like this:

args: -set device.hostpci0.addr=02.0 -set device.hostpci0.x-igd-gms=0x2 -set device.hostpci0.x-igd-opregion=on


cpu: host

hostpci0: 0000:00:02.0,legacy-igd=1,romfile=6-14.rom

hostpci1: 0000:00:1f.3

vga: none

machine: pc-i440fx-8.0

选择 ovmf+机型i440fx 7.0以上就是 use ovmf+i440fx 7.0 above 0000:00:02.0是核显的pci编号 is igpu pci number

0000:00:1f.3是声卡的pci编号 is sound card pci number,11-14代基本是这个For 11th-14th Gen CPUs is this number,6-10代不一定是这个有些是1e.0之类的 For 6th-10th Gen CPUs maybe 1e.0

6-14.rom这个文件请用winscp等软件传输到/usr/share/kvm/ 目录下 6-14.rom file you can use winscp upload to /usr/share/kvm/

当然unraid也可以使用6-14.rom unraid also can use 6-14.rom

参数解释Parameter Explanation: 1⃣️x-igd-opregion=on:实现物理输出,它是实验性的(x代表experimental实验性的,官方不支持就一直是实验性)(The x-igd-opregion property exposes opregion (VBT included) to guest driver so that the guest driver could parse display connector information from. This property mandatory for the Windows VM to enable display output.)

2⃣️x-igd-gms=0x2代表使用核显预分配显存大小,解决虚拟机内存占用过大问题,这个要大于bios中的核显显存大小,源码是gms * 32 * MiB;这样计算的,0x1代表32M,0x2=64M,0x3=96M,0x4=128M,0x5=160M,0x6=192M,0x7=224M,0x8=256m,0x9=288M,0x10=320M,0xf0=5120M(The x-igd-gms property sets a value multiplied by 32 as the amount of pre-allocated memory (in units of MB) to support IGD in VGA modes.)


参数解释详见refer to Passthrough KVM Graphics Device部分sub

4.3 虚拟机开机点不亮bios画面The virtual machine fails to display the BIOS screen on startup.

①、检查下你虚拟机配置如上类似Verify your virtual machine configuration aligns with the examples provided

②、可能我的rom里面没有增加你机器的IntelGopDriver.efi,你使用4.6步骤 获取到你机器的bios,然后使用4.5提取出来IntelGopDriver.efi文件。然后放到\Build目录下,你照着 cmd运行自动生成88合一rom.bat 这个程序增加IntelGopDriver.efi改出来命令行,自己合成88合一rom就是。

If my ROM file does not include the IntelGopDriver.efi specific to your machine, follow these steps: Obtain your machine's BIOS using Method 4.6. Place the extracted IntelGopDriver.efi into the \Build directory. Modify the command-line script (auto-generate-88-in-1-rom.bat) to include the new IntelGopDriver.efi. Run the modified script to synthesize the 88-in-1 ROM file.

③、合并了新的6-14.rom你直接用就是 use your synthesize 6-14.rom

4.4 如何稳定使用How to use it stably

解决6-14代pve核显直通win10 win11闪屏黑屏花屏不出bios启动画面各种不稳定问题(包括虚拟机内部错误)



③、参数x-igd-gms=0x2改为0x8 或者 0x10,最大只能0x10,qemu9版本以下超过就要报错 Unsupported IGD GMS value 0x11,最新的qemu9版本不作限制了,可以到0xf0也就是5120M 5G核显了 对应 源码if (gms < 0xf0) {return gms * 32 * MiB;}

④、6-14.rom出现点不亮核显直通后bios画面黑屏问题或者1 2 3步骤都弄了都还有花屏闪屏问题的解决办法:


比如 EfiRom.exe -e 12-n100.efi IgdAssignmentDxe.efi PlatformGOPPolicy.efi -f 0x8086 -i 0xffff -o 6-14.rom

EfiRom.exe -e IntelGopDriver.efi IgdAssignmentDxe.efi PlatformGOPPolicy.efi -f 0x8086 -i 0xffff -o 6-14.rom 这样生成你自己处理器的单独rom后你进行测试 IntelGopDriver.efi你通过提取你物理机bios或者下载的官网bios然后用ubu软件或者mmtool软件进行提取而来。, 0xffff改不改成对应的id无所谓。详见4.5 IntelGopDriver.efi如何得来以及怎么提取出来的。



UBU 1.79.17下载地址: 提取码: ivwk




4.6 物理机的bios如何得来


②、用AMI bios(ami固件)提取工具 直接提取 类似教程详见 提取物理机bios 部分


Build OVMF.fd for KVM 中的0001-0004.....patch这4个补丁,这4个补丁和 没有本质区别。


相比较于源码来源更新了什么 请见b站视频源码讲解

Intel 4-14代核显直通源码讲解视频,从此再也没有闭源折腾人了,再也没有秘密可言了,希望后来人继续折腾继续贡献源码



也可以使用cmd2001小伙伴的项目地址,直接自动化编译 此项目和我这个源码是类似的,实质也是一样的,可以在这个项目里面 提issue,提想法,一起贡献代码。

后记,关于6-10代开bios csm和设置核显为legacy直通如何提取vbios


cd /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:02:00.0

echo 1 > rom

cat rom > /tmp/vbios.bin

echo 0 > rom

你检查下 /tmp/vbios.bin大小是不是0,0就是失败,不是0就是成功



build ROM files for Intel 6th-14th Gen iGPU passthrough in PVE VMs(intel6-14代pve虚拟机核显直通使用rom)







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