Here we describe our single cell data explorer. This Shiny application has been developped to analyze, visualize and extract informations from single-cell sequencing datasets. ISCEBERG can transform raw counts into filtered, normalized counts and computes clustering, UMAP projections to provide a Seurat single-cell sequencing dataset from various input formats (H5, MTX, TXT or CSV). ISCEBERG allows the use of preprocessed RDS files as input containing already a Seurat single-cell sequencing dataset. The purpose of this application is to explore much deeper and easily visualize your single-cell datasets without using R code lines. Graphics and associated tables are downloadable. To ensure Reproducibility and Traceability, preprocessed and subclusterized data are provided as Seurat objects (to be re-analyzed or re-loaded later) with a report of all command lines used to generate them.
Loïc Guille, Manuel Johanns, Francesco Zummo, Bart Staels, Philippe Lefebvre, Jérôme Eeckhoute, & Julie Dubois-Chevalier. (2022). ISCEBERG : Interactive Single Cell Expression Browser for Exploration of RNAseq data using Graphics (v1.0.1). Zenodo.
All the functionnalities are listed here. For more details see the Documentation section :
- Pre-processing (read, create and apply a first filtering on your data)
- Filtering (only if you have chosen Mtx, H5, Txt, or Csv, apply a filtering on your dataset on number of genes expressed per cell, mitochondrial DNA percentage)
- QC (QC plots about cells distribution among studied samples, projection of metadata on UMAP, cell cycle phase score computing)
- Cluster tree (create a cluster tree from different resolutions present in the object)
- Differential gene expression between clusters
- Data mining (expression plots of one or several genes with different vizualisation methods)
- Data mining for a combination of genes (expression plots of a list of genes given in parameter or with a file)
- Extract information (ex : distribution of metadata groups across clusters)
- Add annotations
- Add automatic annotations using SCINA
- Subclustering (subcluster data based on annotation or cluster)
Here is the procedure to install our application :
git clone
In order to create a docker image run the command
docker build -t image_name .
(if you are already in the directory containing the dockerfile)
Once the image has been created you can run
docker run -p 3838:3838 image_name
Then type the adress in your web browser :
A build image can be accessed on dockerhub :
docker pull loguille/isceberg:v2.0.1
and then run :
docker run -p 3838:3838 loguille/isceberg:v2.0.1
Then type the adress in your web browser :
Help is available in Documentation directory in the document
Loïc Guille; Manuel Johanns; Francesco Zummo; Bart Staels; Philippe Lefebvre; Jérôme Eeckhoute; Julie Dubois-Chevalier
This work was supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) grants “HSCreg” (ANR-21-CE14-0032-01) , “European Genomic Institute for Diabetes” E.G.I.D (ANR-10-849 LABX-0046), a French State fund managed by ANR under the frame program Investissements d’Avenir I-SITE ULNE / ANR-16-IDEX-0004 ULNE, by grants from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM : EQU202203014645) and by European Commission
Agence Nationale de la Recherche:
• EGID - EGID Diabetes Pole (10-LABX-0046)
European Commission:
• ImmunoBile - Bile acid, immune-metabolism, lipid and glucose homeostasis (694717)