🔭 I’m currently working on Bruce Interpreter Generator with Blockly
🌱 I’m currently learning JavaScript generators for Blockly
👨💻 All of my projects are available at nowhere at the moment
📝 I regularly write articles on nowhere at the moment
💬 Ask me about lua, js, roblox, md, bash, adb and sdk-tools
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact [insert fun fact here]
"name": "Loopy5418",
"nicknames": ["Loopy", "Loop", "Loopee", "Doopy"],
"hobbies": ["Programming", "doing tech stuff", "modding knockoff consoles"],
"nationality": "turkiye",
"age": "private",
"known-programming-languages": ["Lua", "C++", "Python"],
"fav-color": "purple",
"contacts": {
"youtube": "@Loopy5418",
"discord": "loopy5418",
"reddit": "u/LoopyOgre1128",
"roblox": "Loopy5418 (@LoopyOgre1128)",
"email": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"