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[dv] Script to facilitate SV extern adoption
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Signed-off-by: Martin Velay <[email protected]>
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martin-velay committed Nov 7, 2024
1 parent 267e61c commit 89b5ba8
Showing 1 changed file with 269 additions and 0 deletions.
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import sys

# List of standard UVM method names
"new", "create", "build_phase", "connect_phase", "end_of_elaboration_phase",
"start_of_simulation_phase", "run_phase", "extract_phase", "check_phase",
"report_phase", "final_phase", "start", "body", "do", "randomize"

# Function to determine if a method name is a UVM method
def is_sv_uvm_method(name):
if name in SV_UVM_METHODS:
return True
if any(name.startswith(prefix) for prefix in ["pre", "post", "mid"]):
return any(name.endswith(method) for method in SV_UVM_METHODS)
return False

# Function to classify methods
def classify_method(name):
if name in SV_UVM_METHODS or is_sv_uvm_method(name):
return "Standard SV/UVM methods"
return "Class specific methods"

# Function to process each file
def process_file(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()

class_name = ""
class_body = []
extern_declarations = {
"Constraints": [],
"Standard SV/UVM methods": [],
"Class specific methods": []
method_implementations = []
in_class = False
in_covergroup = False
covergroup_name = ""
method_body = []
method_open = False

for i, line in enumerate(lines):
# Detect class declaration and extract class name
match_class = re.match(r'\s*class\s+(\w+)', line)
if match_class:
in_class = True
class_name =

# Detect end of class
if in_class and 'endclass' in line:
in_class = False

# Add extern declarations
for category, decl in extern_declarations.items():
if decl:
class_body.append(f" // {category}\n")

# Add label to endclass if missing
if ':' not in line:
line = line.rstrip() + f" : {class_name}\n"

class_body.append(line) # endclass line
class_body.append("\n") # Separate class body from implementations
class_body.extend(method_implementations) # Add implementations after endclass

# Copy over any remaining lines as they are
class_body.extend(lines[i+1:]) # Remaining lines after endclass

# Handle covergroup start
covergroup_match = re.match(r'\s*covergroup\s+(\w+)', line)
if covergroup_match:
in_covergroup = True
covergroup_name = # Store covergroup name

# Handle covergroup end
if in_covergroup and 'endgroup' in line:
in_covergroup = False
if ':' not in line:
# Add label after endgroup if missing
line = line.rstrip() + f" : {covergroup_name}\n"

# Detect `uvm_object_new` and replace it with extern declaration
if in_class and 'uvm_object_new' in line:
category = "Standard SV/UVM methods"
extern_declarations[category].append(" extern function new(string name=\"\");\n")
# Prepare the full new function body to add after the class ends
new_function_body = f"function {class_name}::new(string name=\"\");\n;\nendfunction : new\n"
method_implementations.append(new_function_body + "\n")

# Detect `uvm_component_new` and replace it with extern declaration
if in_class and 'uvm_component_new' in line:
category = "Standard SV/UVM methods"
extern_declarations[category].append(" extern function new(string name=\"\", uvm_component parent=null);\n")
# Prepare the full new function body to add after the class ends
new_function_body = f"function {class_name}::new(string name=\"\", uvm_component parent=null);\n, parent);\nendfunction : new\n"
method_implementations.append(new_function_body + "\n")

# If inside the class but not in a covergroup, handle methods, tasks, constraints
if in_class and not in_covergroup:
# Detect any preceding qualifiers for function, task, or constraint
# Ignore lines already starting with "extern" or comments
method_match = re.match(r'^(?!\s*(//|\*/|\*/|extern)).*?\b(function|task|constraint)\b\s+(void\s+)?(\w+)\s*(\{.*)?', line)

if method_match:
# Extract the method name
method_name =

is_constraint = re.match(r'^\s*(?!//|/\*)\s*constraint\b', line)

# Create extern declaration for the constraint or method
if is_constraint:
category = "Constraints"
extern_line = f" extern constraint {method_name};\n" # Add semicolon for extern constraint

# Start collecting the body of the constraint
method_body = [f"constraint {class_name}::{method_name} {{\n"] # Adjust constraint label with class name
brace_count = 1 # We have one opening brace with the initial line

# Loop to collect the entire constraint body
for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)):
method_body.append(lines[j][2:] if lines[j].startswith(" ") else lines[j])
brace_count += lines[j].count('{')
brace_count -= lines[j].count('}')

# If brace count returns to zero, the constraint body is complete
if brace_count == 0:
i = j # Update the main loop index to skip collected lines

# Append the constraint body to method implementations
method_implementations.append("".join(method_body) + "\n")

# Clear method_body to prevent duplicates
method_body = [extern_line]

category = classify_method(method_name)

extern_declaration = line # Start building the extern declaration

# Continue collecting until we find a complete declaration ending with ";"
for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)):
if ";" in extern_declaration:
extern_declaration += lines[j]
if ";" in lines[j]: # End of the function/task declaration
i = j # Update index to skip these lines in the main loop

# Remove leading "virtual" if present for tasks/functions
extern_line = " extern " + re.sub(r'^\s*virtual\s+', '', extern_declaration.lstrip())

# Remove "virtual" at the beginning if it exists
line_without_virtual = re.sub(r'^\s*virtual\s+', '', line)

# Start collecting the body of the method without "virtual"

# Clear method_body to prevent duplicates
method_body = [line_without_virtual]

# Add the modified line to extern_declarations
method_open = True

# Handle end of constraint, function, or task
if method_open:
is_eof_constraint = False

# Collect full body, including comments inside

# Find if the we are at the end of the constraint
if (is_constraint and '}' in line):
is_eof_constraint = False
brace_count = 1 # Start with one closing brace found

# Move to the next lines to find the closing brace
for j in range(i, 0): # Parse the file backward up until finding the start of the constraint
# Count braces
brace_count -= lines[j].count('{')
brace_count += lines[j].count('}')

# Encounter the start of the constraint
if'\bconstraint\s+' + re.escape(method_name) + r'\b', lines[j]):
# If the brace count is zero, we have reached the end of the constraint
if brace_count == 0:
is_eof_constraint = True
break # Exit the for loop as we found the end of the constraint

# End detection for constraint, function, or task
if is_eof_constraint or ('endfunction' in line or 'endtask' in line):
if method_name:
# Generate the label for class::method or class::constraint
method_label = f"{class_name}::{method_name}"

# For constraints, add class_name::constraint_name in the body declaration
if is_constraint:
formatted_body = "".join(method_body).replace(
f"constraint {method_name}", f"constraint {method_label}", 1
# For functions/tasks, replace method_name in the body and append label to end
formatted_body = "".join(method_body).replace(method_name, method_label, 1)
formatted_body = re.sub(
r'(endfunction|endtask)\b(?!\s*:\s*\b' + re.escape(method_name) + r'\b)',
r'\1 : ' + method_name,
# If method_name is None, join without replacement
formatted_body = "".join(method_body)

# Remove two spaces of indentation from each line in formatted_body
formatted_body = "\n".join([line[2:] if line.startswith(" ") else line for line in formatted_body.splitlines()])

# Append formatted_body with an additional newline for separation
method_implementations.append(formatted_body + "\n\n")

# Clear buffers and reset method state
method_body = []
method_open = False

# Append remaining lines in class

# Append lines outside of class definition

# Write transformed content back to the file
with open(filepath, 'w') as file:
print(f"Processed file: {filepath}")

# Function to process all files in a directory
def process_directory(directory):
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(directory):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith(".sv") or filename.endswith(".sva") or filename.endswith(".svh"):
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)

# Main entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: python <directory_path>")
directory_path = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.isdir(directory_path):
print("Invalid directory path.")

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