The explorer is deployed at and is configured for Pebblenet.
You need to install the code-explorer dependencies before choosing which network you want to connect to:
yarn install
You don't need to run a local network in order to connect to the testnets, you just need the right start script for each network.
Coming soon!
Clone the CosmJS repo in order to run a local Launchpad or Stargate network:
git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.24.0-alpha.11
Also make sure to comply with the prerequisites.
In order to run a local Launchpad network follow these instructions.
The start script that makes the code-explorer connect to a local Launchpad network is:
yarn start-launchpad
In order to run a local Stargate network, follow these instructions.
The start script that makes the code-explorer connect to a local Stargate network is:
yarn start-stargate
You can build a code explorer and deploy it as static HTML/JS files.
Requirements: yarn, Node.js 10+
yarn install
PUBLIC_URL= REACT_APP_BACKEND=pebblenet yarn build
Background image from