Mi Band 8 Pro,
Redmi Watch 4,
Mi Watch S3,
Mi Band 9,
Mi Band 9 Pro
Samples for various Xiaomi models of LUA watchfaces.
you can read more about LUA - https://www.lua.org/start.html
Easyface can pack it - https://github.com/m0tral/Easyface
These models are running on NuttX => https://nuttx.apache.org/docs/latest/
and use most popular graphic library LVGL => https://lvgl.io/get-started
For images I use lvgl build-in converter => https://lvgl.io/tools/imageconverter
Here is shown which params to setIt's possible to debug all this stuff on PC cross-platform emulator,
I personally prefer use Windows 10, under WSl2/Ubuntu subsystem.
Will show you later how to do it.
- Digital time => Simple digital clock with blinking delimiter
- Analog time => Simple analog clock
- Analog time animated => Simple analog clock with smooth second hand, animation + click event sample
- Accelerometer => Example of usage of accelemoter as data source for animation object
- Diffusion => Example dynamic watchface from Redmi Watch 4
- FlyingCat => Example with accelemoter, animation, click event
- Diffusion => stock watchface sample
TouchEvents => touch events coords tracking
- watchface_366269993 => stock watchface sample
- PointerTest => widget Pointer sample
- AnalogTimeTest => widget AnalogTime sample
- ImageBarTest => widget ImageBar sample
- CurvedLabelTest => widget CurvedLabel sample
going to update during watch/watchfaces develop process