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This Unity project demonstrates how to use the Spatial Mesh Serializer package to capture and save the runtime spatial mesh, then load the mesh whenever the Magic Leap 2 localizes into the Space.


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Spatial Mesh Serializer


This project contains both the and a pre-configured Unity Project which demonstrate how to capture, save, and reload the runtime mesh generated by the Magic Leap 2. Saving and loading the mesh allows developers to:

  • Scan an environment once and save the resulting spatial meshes.

  • Reload saved meshes in future sessions without rescanning.

  • Use Magic Leap Spaces to recall the saved mesh when localized into a known environment.

  • ./Packages/ Contains runtime scripts for serialization, deserialization, and localization.

  • Spatial Mesh Serializer Sample: The project includes a sample that can be imported into existing projects from the package manager. The sample includes sample scripts and scene (MeshSample.unity).


  • Unity 2022.3.49 or later
  • A fully scanned and saved environment using Magic Leap Spaces
  • A Magic Leap 2 device that can localize to the environment
  • Magic Leap Unity SDK

Getting Started

Developers can use the package be either using the pre-configured project or by importing the package into their existing project.

Note: If you are importing the package into an existing project, ensure that the SpaceManager and SpaceImportExport permissions are declared in your project's manifest.

Pre-configured Project

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Open Unity.
  3. In the Unity Hub, select Open Project, then choose the cloned repository folder.
  4. In the Unity Editor, open Assets/Spatial Mesh Serializer Sample/Scenes/MeshSample.unity.
  5. Build and run the scene on your Magic Leap 2 device.
  6. After the device localizes into a Space, move around to scan the environment.
  7. Press the controller’s Trigger to save the mesh.
  8. Restart the app and press the Trigger again to load the previously saved mesh.

Importing the Package into an Existing Project

  1. Open your existing Unity project.
  2. In Unity, select Window > Package Manager.
  3. Select the plus (+) icon and choose Add package from git URL.
  4. Paste:
  5. Select Add.
  6. In the Package Manager, select Magic Leap Spatial Mesh Serializer.
  7. Under Samples, select Import next to Spatial Mesh Serializer Sample.
  8. Open the sample scene located in:
    Assets/Samples/Magic Leap Spatial Mesh Serializer/<version>/Spatial Mesh Serializer Sample/
  9. Open MeshSample.unity, build, and run the scene on your Magic Leap 2 device.

API Overview


MeshLocalizer handles Magic Leap Space localization. It ensures that saved and loaded meshes are associated with the correct Space and that they appear accurately in the environment.

Key Features

  • Initialization: Call MeshLocalizer.Initialize() to set up the localization system.
  • Event handling: Subscribe to MeshLocalizer.onLocalizationStatusChanged to respond to localization changes.
  • Space identification: Use MeshLocalizer.TryGetSpaceUUID() to retrieve the current Space UUID.


using UnityEngine;
using MagicLeap.SpatialMeshSerializer;
using UnityEngine.XR.Management;
using UnityEngine.XR;

public class LocalizationExample : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()

    private IEnumerator SetUpLocalization()
        // Wait until all OpenXR subsystems are loaded before initializing localization.
        yield return new WaitUntil(OpenXRSubsystemsAreLoaded);

        // Subscribe to localization status changes.
        MeshLocalizer.onLocalizationStatusChanged += OnLocalizationChanged;

        // Initialize the localizer.
        // This sets up events and attempts to localize into a known Space.
        // After localization, you can associate saved meshes with a unique Space ID.

    private bool OpenXRSubsystemsAreLoaded()
        if (XRGeneralSettings.Instance == null ||
            XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager == null ||
            XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager.activeLoader == null)
            return false;
        return XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager.activeLoader.GetLoadedSubsystem<XRAnchorSubsystem>() != null;

    private void OnDestroy()
        // Unsubscribe to avoid memory leaks.
        MeshLocalizer.onLocalizationStatusChanged -= OnLocalizationChanged;

    private void OnLocalizationChanged()
        // Check if we have a known space ID now that the device is localized.
        if (MeshLocalizer.TryGetSpaceUUID(out string spaceId))
            Debug.Log($"Localized into space: {spaceId}. Ready to load or save meshes!");
            Debug.Log("Not currently localized into a known space.");


MeshSerializer provides methods to save and load meshes tied to a localized Space.

Key Features

  • Saving: Use SaveCurrentSpaceMeshAsync() to save all meshes from the ARMeshManager to the current Space.
  • Loading: Use LoadCurrentSpaceMeshAndInstantiateAsync() to load and instantiate saved meshes from the current Space.
  • Advanced control: Use methods like SerializeMeshesAsync() to access intermediate byte arrays for networking or custom workflows.


Save and Load
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using MagicLeap.SpatialMeshSerializer;

public class MeshExample : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private ARMeshManager meshManager;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject meshPrefab;

    private async void SaveMeshes()
        // Save current space meshes to device storage.
        await MeshSerializer.SaveCurrentSpaceMeshAsync(meshManager.meshes);
        Debug.Log("Meshes saved successfully.");

    private async void LoadMeshes()
        // Load saved meshes for the current Space and instantiate them.
        GameObject[] loadedMeshes = await MeshSerializer.LoadCurrentSpaceMeshAndInstantiateAsync(meshPrefab);

        if (loadedMeshes != null && loadedMeshes.Length > 0)
            Debug.Log("Meshes loaded successfully.");
            Debug.Log("No saved meshes found for this space.");
Advanced API

For networking or custom workflows, you can work directly with intermediate byte arrays.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using Unity.Collections;
using MagicLeap.SpatialMeshSerializer;

public class AdvancedMeshUsage : MonoBehaviour
    public async Task SaveMeshesWithIntermediateArrays(ARMeshManager meshManager)
        if (!MeshLocalizer.TryGetSpaceUUID(out string id))
            Debug.Log("Not localized into a Space.");

        // Serialize meshes into raw byte arrays.
        NativeArray<byte>[] serializedData = await MeshSerializer.SerializeMeshesAsync(meshManager.meshes);

        // Save serialized data to disk.
        await MeshSerializer.SaveMeshesToFileAsync(id, serializedData);

        // Dispose native arrays to free memory.

    public async Task<GameObject[]> LoadMeshesWithIntermediateArrays(ARMeshManager meshManager)
        if (!MeshLocalizer.TryGetSpaceUUID(out string id))
            Debug.Log("Not localized into a Space.");
            return null;

        // Load serialized mesh data from disk.
        MeshSerializer.LoadedMesh[] loadedMeshes = await MeshSerializer.LoadMeshesAsync(id);

        if (!loadedMeshes.IsPopulated())
            Debug.Log("No meshes found for this Space.");
            return null;

        // Instantiate meshes in the scene.
        GameObject[] meshObjects = await MeshSerializer.InstantiateLoadedMeshesAsync(loadedMeshes, meshManager.meshPrefab.gameObject);

        // Dispose of native arrays after use.

        return meshObjects;


This repository is licensed under the Magic Leap Open Source License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


This Unity project demonstrates how to use the Spatial Mesh Serializer package to capture and save the runtime spatial mesh, then load the mesh whenever the Magic Leap 2 localizes into the Space.







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