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Sam Joseph edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 9 revisions

Common Gotchas



  • don't mix interface with logic ++++
  • SMS Functionality should not be in restaurant, should be in wrapper class ++
  • avoid hard coding menu +++
  • use inject where possible +++
  • don't do anything more complex than specified in the brief ++++
  • credentials in env variables +++
  • indentation ++++
  • move magic numbers to constant ++
  • prefer attr_reader over attr_accessor ++
  • single responsibility ++
  • avoid long methods +
  • avoid classes, methods, variables that are not used
  • avoid numbers with + on front - phone numbers
  • prefer attr_reader over def var; @var; end
  • prefer [] over
  • do short methods
  • delete commented code
  • remove empty lines
  • prefer hashes with key: value to :key => value
  • no need to do "== false" or "== true" in ruby
  • avoid comments
  • modules are object so should be CamelCase
  • do end for multiple line blocks, {} for single
  • early raise errors
  • avoid code that's never executed
  • prefer shorter descriptive method names (no need for get and set)
  • descriptive variable names
  • returns don't need assignments
  • only raise for exceptional behaviour
  • DRY things out
  • match up variable names for least surprise, e.g. dishes for array of dishes, rather than food_holder
  • avoid doing things that will throw hard to understand errors in corner cases, i.e. unplanned things
  • avoid regrabbing reference to same object when you already have reference


  • do test first +
  • avoid hard coding to data that may change
  • move rspec var declarations to lets
  • ensure each test has an expect - and ideally no more than one
  • ensure that errors are checked by name in tests
  • VCR or webmock is overkill in this challenge - prefer stubbing out individual methods
  • make sure object under test is not double
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