I'm a husband, father of three, (amateur) tenor singer and a Cryptography Engineer @Nillion.
- 🔭 I'm currently doing applied research in cryptography, focusing on MPC, while also developing the Nada MPC programming language.
- Quantum Universally Composable Oblivious Linear Evaluation, Quantum, 2024. Poster presented at Qcrypt2022. Presentation.
- Curl: Private LLMs through Wavelet-Encoded Look-Up Tables, CAMLIS, 2024. Code
- Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation Obtained from a CV-QKD, ICTON 2023
- PECO: methods to enhance the privacy of DECO protocol, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022.
- Quantum oblivious transfer: a short review, Entropy, 2022.
- Private Computation of Phylogenetic Trees based on Quantum Technologies, IEEE Access, 2022. Code.
- Quantum and classical oblivious transfer: A comparative analysis, IET Quantum Communications, 2021. Code.
- Quantum Secure Multiparty Computation of Phylogenetic Trees of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes, ConfTELE, 2021. Code.
- Quantum Enabled Private Recognition of Composite Signals in Genome and Proteins, ICTON, 2020.
- A random cocycle with non Hölder Lyapunov exponent, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2019.
- Topological Band Systems and Finite Size Effects, arxiv, 2022.
- Noise-resistant Quantum Oblivious Linear Evaluation. Code.
- Verifiable Private Database Query based on Quantum Technologies. Code.
- Technical Report on Threshold ECDSA in the Preprocessing Setup, Nillion, 2023
- Technical Report on Secure Truncation with Applications to LLM Quantization, Nillion, 2023
- QuantaGenomics: is focused on the development of a quantum-enabled Secure Multiparty Computation service for collaborative genomic medicine. Promotion video on YouTube.
- QUESTS: is focused on the development of a Secure Multiparty Computation service for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs).
- QuGenome: is focused on the implementation of a Secure Multiparty Computation service supported by quantum technologies to compute phylogenetic trees over the Madrid OpenQKD network. Check the App demo here.
- QuantumMining: is focused on the design and implementation of a quantum oblivious transfer protocol over optical fibres and integration with a privacy preserving genome data mining service.
- Q.DOT: implementation of Secure Multiparty Computation for vehicular networks, specifically to calculate the average speed of vehicles in highways.
- Curl: Extension of CrypTen with discrete wavelet transform tehcnique.
- Threshold ECDSA: Python implementation of the protocol described in this paper.
- zkp-ecdsa-rs (work in progress): Rust implementation of the zk-ecdsa protocol.
- Verifiable private database query (work in progress): an application based on the MP-SPDZ framework.
- QMP-SPDZ: a fork from MP-SPDZ that includes modifications to support quantum-proof MPC protocols.
- Quantum private phylogenetic analysis: an application that securely computes phylogenetic trees based on the PHYLIP package, secure multiparty computation and quantum technologies. Demo. Presentation. Paper.
- OTKeys: an implementation of a string oblivious transfer based on oblivious keys and random oblivious transfer keys.
- QSHY: QSHY stands for Quantum Semi Honest Yao and it implements a semi-honest Yao protocol assisted with quantum oblivious keys.
- Threshold wallet: a simple prototype of an Ethereum crypto wallet that uses ZenGo-X implementation of {t,n}-Threshold ECDSA based on the GG20 algorithm. Demo.
- DDHOT: an implementation of UC-secure Oblivous Transfer under DDH assumption based on the PVW framework. Demo.
- Overcoming Risks through Decentralized Cryptography
- Where Is the CGGMP 7-Round Protocol?
- A New Wave of Privacy-Preserving Large Language Models
- Voting tutorial in Nada
- Verifiable private database query in MP-SPDZ
- Privacy-Preserving Computational Biology using Yao protocol
- QOLE poster presentation at QCrypt2022.
- QuGenome App demo.
- QuGenome System description.
- Genome Search implementation with Yao Protocol.
- Veni Sancte Spiritus - George Fenton.
- God so loved the world - Bob Chilcott.
- Check out our channel, Canticorum.