GeoWave Plugin is an open source input plugin for Mapnik.
GeoWave is an open source set of software that:
- Adds multi-dimensional indexing capability to Apache Accumulo
- Adds support for geographic objects and geospatial operators to Apache Accumulo
- Provides Map-Reduce input and output formats for distributed processing and analysis of geospatial data
- C++ compiler supporting
(e.g. >= g++ 4.8 or >= clang++ 3.4) - GYP
- gtest
= 1.7.0
- Java Runtime Environment
= 7
- GeoWave Runtime Jar
= 0.8.7
- GeoWave Ingest Jar
= 0.8.7
- Required for test
We use GYP as our build system. You can setup a custom configuration by specifying variables in config.gypi
Here is a list of variables which you can override:
- boost_home
- boost_includes
- boost_libs
- geowave_home
- geowave_includes
- geowave_libs
- geowave_runtime_jar
- java_home
- java_include_path
- java_include_path2
- java_jvm_lib
- mapnik_config
- mapnik_includes
- mapnik_libs
- mapnik_name
- gtest_includes
- gtest_libs
Once you have created config.gypi, you are ready to proceed to the build step.
We provide a simple Makefile wrapper which can be used as follows:
make && make install
This will compile the geowave.input plugin and install it to the directory pointed to by:
./mapnik_config --input-plugins
The release library is built by default, but you can build the debug library using:
make debug
For more details, or to build directly with GYP, check out the contents of the Makefile.
First, download the GeoWave runtime and ingest jars contained within the jace-source packages provided by GeoWave here.
Next, create two environment variables which point to the runtime and ingest jars:
export GEOWAVE_RUNTIME_JAR=/path/to/jar
export GEOWAVE_INGEST_JAR=/path/to/jar
Once configured, you can run the tests locally using the Makefile wrapper as follows:
make test