This role will ensure the Visual Studio Code is properly installed and configured.
We can manage extensions and workspaces through variables, using the existing
standards defined in "defaults/main.yml" or overridden them in a playbook, for example.
This role will:
- Ensure the Official Repository for VSCode;
- Ensure VSCode is installed and updated from official repository;
- Ensure the desired state for the defined extensions;
- Ensure the desired Worspaces are configured;
- Ensure the desired User Settings are set;
To install this role:
$ ansible-galaxy role install marcusburghardt.vscode
- python3
You can customize your environment in a very simple and centralized way editing some variables in:
- defaults/main.yml
In some rare cases, you may change some configuration to reflect your local environment in:
- vars/*.yml
Observe that the above variables could be set in your playbook too, which, IMO is much more elegant. ;)
Take a look in the Example Playbook section.
This playbook will prepare everything with the right variables.
For this example, lets call this playbook file as "ansible_vscode.yml":
- hosts: linux
- vscode_tasks:
- { enabled: true, name: 'install_vscode' } # Requires -K option
- { enabled: true, name: 'configure_extensions' }
- { enabled: true, name: 'configure_workspaces' }
- { enabled: true, name: 'configure_user_settings' } roles:
- marcusburghardt.vscode
- vscode_tasks:
Considering the inventory file is in the same folder and is called "hosts_vscode",
you can run this command to see the magic happen:
$ ansible-playbook -K -i hosts_vscode ansible_vscode.yml
Maybe you would like to set some ansible configurations for this environment.
For instance, define a local folder to hold downloads roles.
You can find an example of ansible.cfg file in "files" folder.
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Marcus Burghardt