Repo for public use for science discovery using data from the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) SHIFT AVIRIS-NG campaign. Examples are provided in Python.
More info about AVIRIS-NG data products
Files include:
: the complete list of required packages for Python venv creation
: demo Jupyter notebook of visualization and analysis for example dataset
If running this demo on the SHIFT-SMCE, files are already available in the AWS S3 bucket dh-shift-curated
under /demo/
, and the required packages have already been installed in the environment.
If you prefer to work on the demo locally, you can also download this repo by running:
git clone
You can then create a Python virtual environment by running:
python3 -m venv shift-env
To activate the environment, run:
source shift-env/bin/activate
You can confirm this is active by running $ which python
, which should .../shift-env/bin/python
A file with a list of dependencies needed to run the demo has been provided called requirements.txt
. To install these, run:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
If you need to install any additional packages, you can use
python3 -m pip install <package>
The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specifies a standard language for structuring and querying geospatial data and metadata. The STAC specification is designed around the extensibility & flexibility of JSON, and is comprised of Catalogs, Collections, Items, and the API.
STAC Catalog: JSON object that contains list of STAC Items, or other child STAC Catalogs. Can be further extended to include additional metadata. No restictions for organization; typically uses ‘sub-catalog’ groupings. More about STAC Catalog Specification
STAC Collection: JSON object containing additional info describing the spatial and temporal extents of data; extension of Catalog. Can be further extended to include additional metadata. More about STAC Collection Specification
STAC Item: GeoJSON feature with descriptive attributes that define its time range and assets; a collection of inseparable data & metadata. Represented in a flexible JSON format. Can indlude additonal fields & JSON structures for further customizing data searches. More about STAC Item Specification
STAC Catalog hierarchy:
└─── AVIRIS-NG (Collection)
│ │
│ └─── <flight line> (Item)
where each STAC item is a flight line of format angYYYYMMDDtHHNNSS
, and its asset is the Zarr dataset of format angYYYYMMDDtHHNNSS.zarr
YYYY: The year of the airborne flight run.
MM: The month of the airborne flight run (i.e. 05 represents May).
DD: The day of the airborne flight run (22 is the 22nd day of the month).
HH: UTC hour at the start of acquisition
NN: UTC minute at the start of acquisition
SS: UTC second at the start of acquisition