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Mini framework to send LHCb simulation jobs to lxplus or a slurm batch system!


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Mini framework to send LHCb simulation jobs on a batch system (HTCondor, Slurm)!

A LHCb mattermost channel called SimProd is available for discussing any issues.

A new maintainer is needed for the near future.


To install the module do

python install --user

You will be asked to enter some directories where you want to find your simulated samples.



To launch the module just type SimProd.

You need to to know:

  • the EvtType of the process you want to generate (DecFiles webpage)

  • Year of data taking to simulate (Run I: 2011, 2012, Run II: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)

  • Number of events you want to produce.

Description of simulation setups can be found here. To start a new simulation job do:

>>> j = SimulationJob(evttype=EVTTYPE, year=YEAR, nevents=NEVENTS)
>>> j.prepare()
>>> j.send()


Your have other options by default that you can change:

  • j.polarity: Magnet conditions to simulate [MagUp or MagDown, default: half MagUp, half MagDown].

  • j.neventsjob: Number of events per jobs [default: 50].

  • j.runnumber: Run number for simulation in Gauss.

  • j.simcond: Simulation condition [Sim09b, Sim09c, Sim09e, Sim09g, Sim09h default: Sim09h].

  • j.stripping: Version of the stripping (default = '').

  • j.turbo: Run the Turbo step.

  • j.mudst: Produce a muDST output.

  • j.decfiles: Version of the DecFiles package (default = v30r46).

  • j.infiles: External files to provide for generation (for example LHE or HepMC files).

  • j.cpu: Number of CPU memory (in MB) per simulation job.

  • j.keeplogs: keeps the log files even if the jobs is marked as completed (default = True).

  • j.keepxmls: keeps the generator log xml files (default = True).

  • j.redecay: use redecay at generation (default = False).

  • j.simmodel: "pythia8" or "BcVegPy" (default = "pythia8").

These argument are also available at instantiation of a SimulationJob but also as property, i.e:

>>> j = SimulationJob(evttype=EVTTYPE, year=YEAR, nevents=NEVENTS, neventsjob=NEVENTSJOB)

is equivalent to

>>> j = SimulationJob(evttype=EVTTYPE, year=YEAR, nevents=NEVENTS)
>>> j.neventsjob = NEVENTSJOB

you can also modify options for the scheduler you are using through

>>> j.deliveryclerk

HTCondor options

Options for htcondor batch system:

  • j.deliveryclerk.jobflavour: flavour of a job correspoinding to a maximum runtime (default = "workday").

The available job flavours are as follows:

    espresso     = 20 minutes
    microcentury = 1 hour
    longlunch    = 2 hours
    workday      = 8 hours
    tomorrow     = 1 day
    testmatch    = 3 days
    nextweek     = 1 week

Slurm options

Options for slurm batch system with default values designed for EPFL usage:

  • j.deliveryclerk.time: Maximum running time per simulation job in hours.

  • j.deliveryclerk.nsimjobs: Maximum number of simultaneous simulation jobs running.

  • j.deliveryclerk.nsimuserjobs: Maximum number of simultaneous simulation jobs running for the user.

  • j.deliveryclerk.nuserjobs: Maximum number of simultaneous jobs running for the user.

  • j.deliveryclerk.npendingjobs: Maximum number of pending jobs for the user.

  • j.deliveryclerk.nfreenodes: Number of nodes to be free of user's simulation jobs.

  • j.deliveryclerk.subtime: Time interval when the jobs are sent (e.g. 16 18 means from 4pm to 6pm).

If using the EPFL cluster, please avoid using these options, a configuration file is read with agreed values for these options.

PySlurm can be installed for faster monitoring of the jobs.


Just after the lauching the program type jobs and you can see the status of submitted jobs:

Resend failed subjobs

Use the SimulationJob method send:

>>> jobs[JOBNUMBER].send()

This will send only unsubmitted and failed jobs.

Kill a subjob


Remove jobs from the collection

If you wish to remove a job from the jobs container do

>>> jobs[JOBNUMBER].remove()

and the simulation job will not be seen anymore when typing jobs. Note that if subjobs are still running they will be killed.

If you wish to remove only completed jobs do

>>> for j in"completed"):
>>>     j.remove()

The log files are also with removed with the job.


For generation Gauss needs an option file callled which is stored in a folder called Evttypes. In you need to modify your option file prior to submission you can type in the SimProd prompt

>>> getevttype(EVTTYPE)

and all option files related to this EVTTYPE should be downloaded into the Evttypes directory.

Where are the simulated samples stored?

One the jobs are marked as successfully completed you should find the simulated dst files in the production directory printed when you start SimProd. You can also retrieve the production directory by typing in the prompt

>>> simoutput

The dst are then stored in EVTTYPE/YEAR/SIMCOND/POLARITY, see for instance the following example of the tree of the directories in the production directory:

- SimulationJobs
    - EVTTYPE_1
        - 2016
            - Sim09h
                - MagUp
                    - xml
                        - 1234567.xml
                        - ...
                        - 1891234.dst
                    - 50evts_s28r2_1234567.dst
                    - ...
                    - 50evts_s28r2_1891234.dst
                - MagDown
                    - xml
                        - 2345671.xml
                        - ...
                        - 8912342.dst
                    - 50evts_s28r2_2345671.dst
                    - ...
                    - 50evts_s28r2_8912342.dst

    - EVTTYPE_2
        - 2018
            - Sim09g
                - MagUp
                    - xml
                    - 50evts_s34_3456712.dst
                    - ...
                    - 50evts_s34_9123418.dst
                - MagDown
                    - xml
                    - 50evts_s34_5345671.dst
                    - ...
                    - 50evts_s34_6912342.dst

The dst files are named NEVENTSJOBevts_STRIPPING_RUNNUMBER.(m)dst. In the xml directory are stored the RUNNUMBER.xml files which contain informations of event generation such as the generator level efficiency. The generator level informations of your jobs are stored only if j.keepxmls == True.

To analyse your simulated samples you can create ROOT ntuples using the dst files. The LHCb starterkit explains how to do a local DaVinci job with local dst files.


Feel free to contribute by the mean of Pull Requests.