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Re-implementation of the paper titled "Noise against noise: stochastic label noise helps combat inherent label noise" from ICLR 2021.

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Re-implementation of the paper titled "Noise against noise: stochastic label noise helps combat inherent label noise" from ICLR 2021.


Make a virtual env and install dependencies from the environment.yml file.


Data is at data/.


Cifar10 and 1000 automatically downloaded with PyTorch.

Download animals data from Animal-10N. After filling out a form, you get an email and get the raw image ver (called version, mkdir animal-10n and then put at data/animal-10n/ Then unzip and then unzip that yields a folder structure data/animal-10n/training and data/animal-10n/testing with images. Then the animal trainign script takes care of extracting the annotations from the image file names (see -> make_annotations_animals10n)


Visualize the CIFAR-10 dataset with symmetric or asymmetric noise, from the paper or with custom generated noise:

python cifar10 --noise_mode [sym, asym] [--custom_noise] --p 0.4 --seed 123

Visualize the CIFAR-10 dataset with dependent noise from the paper:

python cifar10 --noise_mode dependent --p 0.4 --seed 123

Visualize the CIFAR-10 dataset with openset noise, only custom generated openset noise is availabel:

python cifar10 --noise_mode openset --custom_noise --p 0.4 --seed 123

Note that if data/cifar10/label_noisy/openset0.4_custom.npy has not been yet generated, it has to be first. See Bugs.

Visualize the Animal-10N dataset which is naturally noisy:

python animal-10n --seed 123


Run the training as follows.

CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100

CIFAR-10, sym noise from paper, CE

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --p 0.4 --sigma 0 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123

CIFAR-10, custom sym noise (from disk), CE

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --custom_noise --p 0.4 --sigma 0 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123

CIFAR-10, newly generated custom sym noise, CE (if seed is set to non-zero, the noise will be the same across experiments)

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --custom_noise --make_new_custom_noise --p 0.4 --sigma 0 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123

CIFAR-10, sym noise from paper, SLN

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --p 0.4 --sigma 1.0 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123

CIFAR-10, sym noise from paper, SLN+MO

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --p 0.4 --sigma 1.0 --mo --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123

CIFAR-10, sym noise from paper, SLN+MO+LC

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --p 0.4 --sigma 1.0 --mo --lc_n_epoch 250 --seed 123

Similarly to CIFAR-10, for CIFAR-100: CIFAR-100, sym noise from paper, SLN+MO+LC

python --dataset_name cifar100 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --p 0.4 --sigma 0.2 --mo --lc_n_epoch 250 --seed 123


Custom noise can be generated for all of CE, SLN, SLN+MO, and SLN+MO+LC. If seed is set to non-zero value across experiments, the generated custom noise will be the saem.


Real-world noise in labelling.


python --dataset_name animal-10n --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --sigma 0 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123


python --dataset_name animal-10n --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --sigma 0.5 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123


python --dataset_name animal-10n --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --sigma 0.5 --mo --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123


python --dataset_name animal-10n --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --sigma 0.5 --mo --lc_n_epoch 250 --seed 123


All experiments' models and training setup config parameters are saved at configs/ in YAML format.

Plotting (Only CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100)

All plots are in assets/.

Plot prediction probabilities for noisy and clear samples.

python --exp_id "exp_2021-12-08 11:28:45.265396" --plot_type pred_probs

Plot sample dissection from paper:

python --exp_id "exp_2021-12-08 11:28:45.265396" --plot_type sample_dissect

Hyperparameter Search of Sigma

The best sigma is searched for in the grid 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0, as discussed in the paper. Note that the script needs 4 CPUs and 2 GPUs to run. If needed, the script can be changed to accomodate for less computational resources. The hyperparameter search uses Ray Tune, a distributed machine learning framework.

Example: Tune an SLN model on CIFAR-10 with the noise provided b the authors, with a validation size of 10 % (5000 noisy samples, as discussed in the paper). In the paper, only SLN models are tuned since MO and LC can hide the effect of sigma potentially.

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode sym --p 0.4 --lc_n_epoch -1 --val_size 0.1 --seed 123

Example Inherent Noise in Labels

Visualizing uniformly randomly drawn samples from the noisy datasets.


CIFAR-10, asymmetric noise with probability 0.4, custom generated:

alt text

CIFAR-10, asymmetric noise with probability 0.4, provided with the paper:

alt text

CIFAR-10, dependent noise with probability 0.4, provided with the paper:

alt text

CIFAR-10, openset noise with probability 0.4, custom generated:

alt text

CIFAR-10, symmetric noise with probability 0.4, custom generated:

alt text

CIFAR-10, symmetric noise with probability 0.4, provided with the paper:

alt text


CIFAR-100, asymmetric noise with probability 0.4, custom generated:

alt text

CIFAR-100, asymmetric noise with probability 0.4, provided with the paper:

alt text

CIFAR-100, dependent noise with probability 0.4, provided with the paper:

alt text

CIFAR-100, symmetric noise with probability 0.4, custom generated:

alt text

CIFAR-100, symmetric noise with probability 0.4, provided with the paper:

alt text


Samples from the naturally noisy Animal-10N dataset.

alt text

Experiments and Results

General Performance on CIFAR-10

Experiments with CIFAR-10 (p=0.4): sym (paper, mine), asym (paper, mine), dependent (paper), openset (paper, mine). Available models: CE, SLN, SLN+MO, SLN+MO+LC. 24 experiments.

model / noise sym asym dependent openset
paper custom paper custom paper custom paper custom
CE exp_2021-11-25 13:17:26.851200 exp_2021-11-25 20:30:28.794160 exp_2021-11-26 09:21:19.524188 exp_2021-11-26 14:03:18.975684 exp_2021-11-26 20:14:40.983299 x x exp_2021-11-27 13:35:23.026659
SLN exp_2021-11-25 15:38:09.361059 exp_2021-11-25 20:31:37.546765 exp_2021-11-26 11:41:56.758060 exp_2021-11-26 16:11:00.844488 exp_2021-11-27 11:07:55.847340 x x exp_2021-11-27 13:44:37.885816
SLN+MO exp_2021-11-25 16:46:29.066838 exp_2021-11-26 09:18:14.291265 exp_2021-11-26 11:44:27.727904 exp_2021-11-26 16:14:06.628600 exp_2021-11-27 11:11:07.020347 x x exp_2021-11-27 13:46:43.777573
SLN+MO+LC exp_2021-11-26 11:18:36.051172 exp_2021-11-26 13:51:03.590616 exp_2021-11-26 13:57:45.567433 exp_2021-11-26 16:16:06.031597 exp_2021-11-27 11:14:24.120092 x x exp_2021-11-28 16:34:38.935269

Results from the above experiments:

alt text

The average of 2 runs is considered, where applicable.

General Performance on CIFAR-100

Experiments with CIFAR-100 (p=0.4): sym (paper, mine), asym (paper, mine), dependent (paper), no openset. Available models: CE, SLN, SLN+MO, SLN+MO+LC. 20 experiments.

model / noise sym asym dependent openset
paper custom paper custom paper custom paper custom
CE exp_2021-11-29 13:02:42.947124 exp_2021-11-29 15:14:24.277293 exp_2021-12-02 17:15:05.141925 exp_2021-12-02 20:50:30.272408 exp_2021-12-03 12:09:50.374569 x x x
SLN exp_2021-11-29 13:12:28.474547 exp_2021-11-29 15:15:36.143703 exp_2021-12-02 17:34:08.440889 exp_2021-12-02 20:55:53.387841 exp_2021-12-03 14:37:51.783033 x x x
SLN+MO exp_2021-11-29 13:16:11.590910 exp_2021-11-29 22:15:08.652843 exp_2021-12-02 17:39:34.952358 exp_2021-12-03 11:53:37.290785 exp_2021-12-03 14:43:27.237441 x x x
SLN+MO+LC exp_2021-11-29 22:04:19.910053 exp_2021-11-29 22:26:18.532929 exp_2021-12-02 20:43:32.204172 exp_2021-12-03 12:01:04.662910 exp_2021-12-03 14:51:11.441549 x x x

Results from the above experiments:

alt text

The average of 2 runs is considered, where applicable.

Average training time, in the case of each experiment was around 100 minutes with a single NVIDIA V100 GPU.

Hyperparameter Search for the optimal sigma on CIFAR-10

Symmetric noise, noise from paper: hp_2021-12-03_13-18-02 (sigma=[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0])

Symmetric noise, custom noise: hp_2021-12-04_17-04-54 (sigma=[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0])

Asymmetric noise, noise from paper: hp_2021-12-05_10-55-09 (sigma=[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0])

Asymmetric noise, custom noise, hp_2021-12-05_14-46-12 (sigma=[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0])

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Ablation Study of the Effects of Sigma on CIFAR-10

Only on CIFAR-10, and only with symmetric noise. 18 experiments.

sigma paper custom
0 (ce) exp_2021-11-25 13:17:26.851200 exp_2021-11-25 20:30:28.794160
0.2 exp_2021-12-04 18:44:30.809125 exp_2021-12-04 18:45:29.413332
0.4 exp_2021-12-04 20:16:53.822991 exp_2021-12-04 20:17:35.698730
0.6 exp_2021-12-05 10:32:08.543830 exp_2021-12-05 10:33:02.145316
0.8 exp_2021-12-05 14:47:21.250193 exp_2021-12-05 14:47:51.111383
1.0 (sln) exp_2021-11-25 15:38:09.361059 exp_2021-11-25 20:31:37.546765
1.2 exp_2021-12-05 17:40:34.580201 exp_2021-12-05 17:41:13.978731
1.4 exp_2021-12-06 21:07:47.205424 exp_2021-12-06 21:07:59.931017
1.6 exp_2021-12-07 20:08:48.682079 exp_2021-12-07 20:09:03.085870
1.8 exp_2021-12-08 11:28:45.265396 exp_2021-12-08 11:29:11.334586
2.0 exp_2021-12-08 13:04:50.380869 exp_2021-12-08 13:01:27.453031

alt text

General Performance on Animals-10N (Naturally Noisy Dataset)

6 experiments. sigma = 0.5 in all experiments (except CE).

model / run run1 run2
CE exp_2021-12-08 11:38:16.477097 exp_2021-12-08 20:23:04.646474
SLN exp_2021-12-08 13:06:15.220761 exp_2021-12-08 18:29:16.424429
SLN+MO exp_2021-12-08 14:43:36.523374 exp_2021-12-08 18:29:27.093767
SLN+MO+LC exp_2021-12-07 21:55:00.730335 exp_2021-12-08 18:35:55.422639

alt text


All logs for Tensorboard are in runs/.

View the logs locally with:

tensorboard --logdir runs

or on

tensorboard dev upload --logdir runs --name "re-sln results" --description "By Mark"


For instance for

python cifar10 --noise_mode openset --custom_noise --p 0.4 --seed 123


python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 1 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode openset --custom_noise --p 0.4 --sigma 0 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/jupyter/final/re-sln/data/cifar10/label_noisy/openset0.4_custom.npy'

generate openset first by a quick 1 epoch training on cifar10 (since opsent is only for cifar10)

python --dataset_name cifar10 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 1 --lr 0.001 --noise_mode openset --custom_noise --make_new_custom_noise --p 0.4 --sigma 0 --lc_n_epoch -1 --seed 123


Re-implementation of the paper titled "Noise against noise: stochastic label noise helps combat inherent label noise" from ICLR 2021.







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