Lebar is a work in progress, proof of concept, system bar written in fennel and compiled to lua.
Lebar is built using the LÖVE framework. This isn’t an obvious choice for an application such as this, but neither is writing in Fennel.
Lebar is bundled with a default configuration but it can be overridden with a custom configuration created in ~/.local/share/love/lebar/rc.fnl
(local config {})
(local blocks (require "blocks.fnl"))
(local themes (require "themes.fnl"))
(local lib (require "lib.fnl"))
(set config.refresh-seconds 0.001)
;; When set to true this will cause the render loop to
;; pause and wait for something to appear on the draw channel
;; When set to false the render loop will only pause based on
;; config.refresh-seconds
(set config.render-on-change true)
(set config.font "JetBrainsMonoNerdFont-Regular.ttf")
(set config.font-size 16)
; set the window position and margins
(set config.window {})
(set config.window.position :top)
(set config.window.margin 4)
(set config.window.height 27)
; set the theme
(set config.theme themes.catppuccin)
(set config.background-color config.theme.black)
(set config.foreground-color config.theme.text)
(set config.block {})
; configuration for the separator block
(set config.block.separator (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.separator.padding-x 2)
(set config.block.separator.text "|")
(set config.block.separator.foreground-color config.theme.gray-3)
; configuration for the time block
(set config.block.time (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.time.format "%%a %%d, %%H:%%M")
; configuration for the power block
(set config.block.power (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.power.include-remaining-time true)
; configuration for the shell block
(set config.block.shell (lib.default-settings config.theme))
; configuration for the memory block
(set config.block.memory (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.memory.label " MEM ")
; configuration for the dunst block
(set config.block.dunst (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.dunst.label " ")
; configuration for the user block
(set config.block.user (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.user.label " ")
(set config.block.user.background-color config.theme.blue)
(set config.block.user.foreground-color config.theme.black)
; configuration for the cpu block
(set config.block.cpu (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.cpu.label " CPU ")
(set config.block.cpu.ok-threshold 50)
; configuration for the window-title block
(set config.block.window-title (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.window-title.love-font (love.graphics.newFont "JetBrainsMonoNerdFont-Italic.ttf" 14))
(set config.block.window-title.label " ")
(set config.block.window-title.foreground-color config.theme.gray-2)
; configuration for the i3-workspace block
(set config.block.i3-workspace (lib.default-settings config.theme))
; configuration for the free-disk-space block
(set config.block.free-disk-space (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.free-disk-space.label " ")
; configuration for the pacman block
(set config.block.pacman (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.pacman.label " ")
; configuration for the i3-binding-state block
(set config.block.i3-binding-state (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.i3-binding-state.label " ")
; configuration for the wmctrl block
(set config.block.wmctrl (lib.default-settings config.theme))
(set config.block.wmctrl.margin (+ config.block.wmctrl.margin 1))
(set config.block.wmctrl.radius 4)
(set config.all-blocks
(set config.minimal-blocks
make clean all
sudo make install