A flexible, fluent validation library for Java
A replacement for Apache commons-lang3 Validate, Guava Preconditions, and Spring Assert that uses a fluent API and is more flexible.
By default most checks will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
You can also specify what the default exception should be, it must be a RuntimeException, that has a constructor that takes a String.
An exception can be overridden on a check by check basis.
Overridden exceptions take priority over the default exception.
The message in the exception can also be changed.
.notEmpty(map).withMessage("The map should not be empty")
Sometimes, though, you don't want to throw an exception.
So, there are two methods anyInvalid
and allInvalid
that will let you know if any or all of the checks fail.
boolean anyInvalid = CheckMate.check()
boolean allInvalid = CheckMate.check()
CheckMate has the ability to validate indexes for Strings, Arrays, and Collections
.isIndex(3).validIn(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"))
You can also check if a number is in a range, by default start inclusive and end exclusive.
But there is also a way to specify that the end should be inclusive
You can also check if an expression is true or false
.is(value > 0).truthy()
.is(length == 0).falsy()
"But what if I liked how commons-lang Validate throws NullPointerExceptions when things are null?" Fear not, CheckMate supports that!!
This will throw an NPE, instead of an IllegalArgumentException.
The library is available at Maven Central, simply add this to your pom.xml