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How to Contribute Effectively to this Project

Zach Gollwitzer edited this page May 21, 2024 · 1 revision

There are three primary types of contributions that are most valuable to this project right now:

Bug Reports and Fixes

Bug reports and fixes are incredibly valuable to us! Due to the fast-moving nature of this project, there are plenty of them to go around. If you are looking to contribute but don't know where to start, we recommend:

  1. Get your self-hosted instance running.
  2. Click through the app and use it.
  3. Report any bugs that you find.
  4. Once we confirm it is a bug, you're more than welcome to dive in and fix it! 🐛


While we do our best to write clean code, this project is simply moving too fast to get it all right. If you see something that looks wrong, open up an issue and let's discuss it! Performance improvements, security improvements, and full feature refactors are welcome.

Scoped Feature Work

While we generally will NOT accept new features without prior discussion, we do our best to keep our projects updated and frequently publish new feature-related issues that are ready to be built.

How do I know what's ready to be worked on?

  • If it has a bounty on it, go for it!
  • If it is an open issue and is in the Ready column of any of our projects, go for it!
  • If you're unsure, just comment on the issue and ask