This repository holds the code for a CPU and OS kernel for a Nexys2 board.
This actually is several projects:
- a CPU (called CRAPS), written in SHDL and VHDL;
- a OS kernel that runs on it, written in a C subset;
- a compiler to compile the C subset to CRAPS assembly;
- a monitor/debugger for the CRAPS processor;
- a shell and several tasks that run in the OS.
The on-board OS can communicate with a computer through a serial port. It can also use the swiches, buttons and seven-segment display on the board.
See this screencast for an example of a shell session.
The processor is a CRAPS processor, a RISC processor.
The processor is written in SHDL (Simple Hardware
Description Language). SHDL is then compiled to VHDL with
. It will generate and synthesize a Xilinx ISE
project. You can then use Digilent Adept or Xilinx ISE to program the FPGA.
The processor runs CRAPS assembly. You can use crapsc
compile CRAPS assembly to CRAPS bytecode.
The kernel is written in moc, a C-like language. We provide a compiler to compile it to CRAPS assembly.
The compile-craps
script wraps the compiler with the cpp
The crapsdb
program can upload code on the board, start the
operating system and monitor the CPU state and the memory.