This project provides an API for accessing and mutating Aerospike Collection Data Type (CDT) objects using a JSONPath syntax. This effectively provides a document API, with CDT objects used to represent JSON documents in the Aerospike database.
The documentation for this project can be found on
- Familiarity with the Aerospike client for Java (see Introduction - Java Client)
- Some knowledge of Aerospike CDTs (see reference above)
mvn clean package
Add the Maven dependency:
Consider the following JSON:
"forenames": [
"surname": "Jones",
"date_of_birth": {
"day": 15,
"month": 9,
"year": 1946
"2012":["Lincoln","Men In Black 3"],
"2007":["No Country For Old Men"],
"2002":["Men in Black 2"],
"1997":["Men in Black","Volcano"],
"1994":["Natural Born Killers","Cobb"],
"1980":["Coal Miner's Daughter","Barn Burning"]
"best_films_ranked": [
"source": "",
"films": ["The Fugitive","No Country For Old Men","Men In Black","Coal Miner's Daughter","Lincoln"]
"films":["The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada","The Homesman","No Country for Old Men","In the Valley of Elah","Coal Miner's Daughter"]
The Aerospike Document Client is instantiated as follows
- You can create a new AerospikeClient using other constructors - in this example we are using IP and Port only.
AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient(AEROSPIKE_SERVER_IP, AEROSPIKE_SERVER_PORT);
AerospikeDocumentClient documentClient = new AerospikeDocumentClient(client);
We add the example JSON document to our Aerospike database as follows
JsonNode jsonNode = JsonConverters.convertStringToJsonNode(jsonString);
// For details of Aerospike namespace/set/key see
Key tommyLeeJonesDBKey = new Key(AEROSPIKE_NAMESPACE, AEROSPIKE_SET, "tommy-lee-jones.json");
String documentBinName = "documentBin";
documentClient.put(tommyLeeJonesDBKey, documentBinName, jsonNode);
We can add filmography for 2019 using the JSONPath $.selected_filmography.2019
List<String> _2019Films = new Vector<String>();
_2019Films.add("Ad Astra");
documentClient.put(tommyLeeJonesDBKey, documentBinName, "$.selected_filmography.2019",_2019Films);
Update Jones' IMDB ranking using the JSONPath $.imdb_rank.rank
documentClient.put(tommyLeeJonesDBKey, documentBinName, "$.imdb_rank.rank",45);
We can append to 'Rotten Tomatoes' list of best films using the reference $.best_films_ranked[0].films
documentClient.append(tommyLeeJonesDBKey, documentBinName, "$.best_films_ranked[0].films","Rolling Thunder");
documentClient.append(tommyLeeJonesDBKey, documentBinName, "$.best_films_ranked[0].films","The Three Burials");
We can delete a node e.g. the Medium reviewer's rankings
documentClient.delete(tommyLeeJonesDBKey, documentBinName, "$.best_films_ranked[1]");
We can find out the name of Jones' best film according to 'Rotten Tomatoes' using the JSONPath $.best_films_ranked[0].films[0]
documentClient.get(tommyLeeJonesDBKey, documentBinName, "$.best_films_ranked[0].films[0]");
JSONPath is a query language for JSON. It supports operators, functions and filters.
Consider the following JSON document
"store": {
"book": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95,
"ref": [1,2]
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99,
"ref": [2,4,16]
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99,
"ref": [1,3,5]
"category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99,
"ref": [1,2,7]
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95
"expensive": 10
Here are some examples of JSONPath queries:
// All things, both books and bicycles
String jsonPath = "$.store.*";
Object objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
// The authors of all books
String jsonPath = "$[*].author";
Object objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
// The authors of all books
String jsonPath = "$[*].author";
String jsonObject = "J.K. Rowling";
// Modify the authors of all books to "J.K. Rowling"
documentClient.put(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath, jsonObject);
Object objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
// All books with an ISBN number
jsonPath = "$[?(@.isbn)]";
objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
// All books in store cheaper than 10
jsonPath = "$[?(@.price < 10)]";
objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
// All books matching regex (ignore case)
jsonPath = "$[?( =~ /.*REES/i)]";
objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
// The price of everything
String jsonPath = "$.store..price";
// Delete the price field of every object exists in the store
documentClient.delete(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
Object objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, documentBinName, jsonPath);
Starting at version 1.1.0
there is a new feature called multiple document bins.
You can have multiple documents - each stored in a different bin, all documents have the same structure but not the same data.
Example of a use-case can be storing events, each document contains events for a specific amount of time - for example, a week, and now you have the ability to use Document API operations (including JSONPath queries) on multiple documents (with the same structure) at once using a single Aerospike operate() command under the hood which saves server resources boilerplate code.
Consider the following JSON documents:
"authentication": {
"login": [
"id": 1,
"name": "John Smith",
"location": "US",
"date": "1.7.2021",
"device": "Computer",
"os": "Windows"
"id": 2,
"name": "Jonathan Sidwell",
"location": "Israel",
"date": "1.7.2021",
"device": "Mobile",
"os": "Android"
"id": 3,
"name": "Mike Ross",
"location": "US",
"date": "1.7.2021",
"device": "Computer",
"os": "MacOS"
"id": 4,
"name": "Jessica Pearson",
"location": "France",
"date": "1.7.2021",
"device": "Computer",
"os": "Windows"
"logout": {
"name": "Nathan Levy",
"datetime": "1.7.2021",
"device": "Tablet",
"ref": [7,4,2]
"like": 10
"authentication": {
"login": [
"id": 21,
"name": "Simba Lion",
"location": "Italy",
"date": "2.7.2021",
"device": "Mobile",
"os": "iOS"
"id": 22,
"name": "Sean Cahill",
"location": "US",
"date": "2.7.2021",
"device": "Mobile",
"os": "Android"
"id": 23,
"name": "Forrest Gump",
"location": "Spain",
"date": "2.7.2021",
"device": "Computer",
"os": "Windows"
"id": 24,
"name": "Patrick St. Claire",
"location": "France",
"date": "2.7.2021",
"device": "Mobile",
"os": "iOS"
"logout": {
"name": "John Snow",
"datetime": "2.7.2021",
"device": "Mobile",
"ref": [1,2,3]
"like": 20
We have 2 documents with the same structure but not the same data that represents events.
Defining a bins list.
String documentBinName1 = "events1Bin";
String documentBinName2 = "events2Bin";
List<String> bins = new ArrayList<>();
// The names of the users of all logout events from each document
String jsonPath = "$";
Object objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, bins, jsonPath);
// Modify the devices of all the authentications (login and logout) to "Mobile"
jsonPath = "$.authentication..device";
jsonObject = "Mobile";
documentClient.put(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, bins, jsonPath, jsonObject);
// Delete the user field from all of the authentications (login and logout)
jsonPath = "$.authentication..user";
documentClient.delete(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, bins, jsonPath);
// All the logins with "id" greater than 10
jsonPath = "$.authentication.login[?( > 10)]";
objectFromDB = documentClient.get(TEST_AEROSPIKE_KEY, bins, jsonPath);
- See for full details of the API.