Distribute Tableu reports using workbook tags. Using any of csv, pdf, pgn export formats Interact with Tableu server, Download tableu content, triger datasource/extract refresh task
pip install https://github.com/memiiso/pytableau/archive/master.zip --upgrade --user
Python wrapper for tableau server api. Tableau class to interact with tableau server and server content
- download_all_datasources
- download_all_workbooks
- export_all_datasource_fields_to_csv
- export_all_workbook_fields_to_csv
- download_workbook_pdf
- download_workbook_png
- download_workbook_csv
- refresh_extracts
tableau class to emailing reports as pdf using workbook tags
forexample a workbook with following tags
- sent to user1, user2 every day,
- sent to user3 Weekly on Mondays,
- sent to user4, user2 at the first day of month every month.
,'Daily:to:[email protected]','Daily:cc:[email protected]'
,'Weekly1:to:[email protected]'
,'Monthly1:to:[email protected]','Monthly1:cc:[email protected]'
a workbook with following tags sent
- Weekly every Wednesday
- monthly every 16th day of month
,'Weekly3:to:[email protected]'
,'Monthly16:to:[email protected]','Monthly1:cc:[email protected]'
Daily = send every day
Weekly* = * is weekday number(1...7) sends the report at given weekday
Monthly* = * is month day number(1...31) sends the report at given month day
import os
import smtplib
from pathlib import Path
from pytableau import PyTableau, PyTableauReportScheduler
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
myTableau = PyTableau(server_address='http_tableau_server',
username='[email protected]',
datasource_list = ['my Datasource1', 'my Datasource2', "Datasource3"]
myTableau.refresh_extracts(datasource_names=datasource_list, synchronous=True)
download_dir = "/tmp/test_download_all_datasources"
Path(download_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
wbs = myTableau.get_workbooks_by_tag(tag=tag)
print("Found %s Workbook with tag:%s" % (str(len(wbs)), tag))
wb = myTableau.get_workbook_by_name(name='XYZ KPI REPORT', project_name='FINANCETEAM', tag='XYZKPI')
wb = myTableau.get_workbook_by_name(name='XYZ REPORT', project_name='XYZ TEAM')
# find the workbook
wb = myTableau.get_workbook_by_name(name='XYZ DASHBOARD', project_name='PROJECT_NAME')
# export it to PDF
myTableau.download_workbook_pdf(workbook=wb, dest_dir="/tmp/somedir/")
import os
import smtplib
from pathlib import Path
from pytableau import PyTableau, PyTableauReportScheduler
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
myTableau = PyTableau(server_address='http_tableau_server',
username='[email protected]',
mysmtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465)
mysmtp.login('[email protected]', 'mypassword')
# email all the reports with tag : scheduledReport
myTabScheduler= PyTableauReportScheduler(tableau=myTableau,smtp_server=mysmtp,schedule_tag="scheduledReport")
datafilters = dict()
datafilters["Report Year"]="2019,2020"
# send reports daily, weekly, monthly.
myTabScheduler.send_scheduled_reports(send_from='[email protected]', data_filters=datafilters)
# send weekly Monday reports.
myTabScheduler.send_schedule(send_from='[email protected]', schedule='Wekkly1',data_filters=datafilters)