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A customizable, simple and easy to use json REST API consumer


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JACK (JSON API Client Konsumer)

JACK is a generic JSON API client. It is useful to interact with APIs from multiple services such as Google and Twitter. All service along with their parameters are configured in config.toml file. For example, you can configure JACK to collect statistics from vairous social networks and Google Analytics, all from a single company/instituition.


JACK is written in Rust, so you need to install it first before compiling. Here's a few examples on how to install the Rust toolset:


Different Linux flavors provide different package managers. Here are few examples:

sudo apt install rust
sudo yum install rust


First, install Homebrew by following the instructions here. Then, open a terminal and use the brew command to install the Rust toolset:

brew install rust


Windows 11 comes with winget, a command-line package manager. You can open a Windows Terminal and type the following command:

winget install Rustlang.Rust.MSVC

If you don't have winget, you can either install it or download and install Rust from its the official website.

After Rust is intalled, clone JACK's repository and build it:

git clone
cd jack
cargo build


Before running JACK, you have to configure your config.toml file. Here's how it works:

service_name = "Some API" # The name of the application
url = "" # The url that it'll query
method = "GET" # The method to use (only GET for now)

[some_api.filter] # Optional
filter_name = "/field/item" # The filter is based on
# ...

[some_api.params] # Optional
params = "value" # `?params=value` on GET requests
# ...

[some_api.oauth] # Optional
auth_uri = "https://some_api/oauth/auth"
token_uri = "https://some_api/oauth/token"
client_id = "Client ID" # Same reason why as the `client_secret`
client_secret = "Client SECRET" # Due the lack of a intermediate(private) server (maybe in the future...) containing the client_secret

YouTube API

Let's say you want some information about a certain YouTube channel. Start with creating a service in the config.toml file. Give preference to single words, but snake_case is allowed. As this service is a YouTube channel, you use the YouTube API in the url field:

service_name = "Great YouTube Channel - YouTube Example"
url = ""
method = "GET"

Now you have to tell JACK what kind of information you want to get from this channel. Available fields depend on the API. For YouTube API, they are documented here. Let's say we want title, contentDetails and statistics/viewCount. Here's how to configure them:

title = "/items/0/snippet/title"
contentDetails = "/items/0/contentDetails"
totalViews = "/items/0/statistics/viewCount"

Now you have to configure the parameters such as the desired YouTube channel ID you want to inspect, your API key and a few others. Here's an example with Papo Binário YouTube channel, whose ID is UCuQ8zW9VmVyml7KytSqJDzg:

part = "snippet,contentDetails,statistics"
id = "UCuQ8zW9VmVyml7KytSqJDzg"
key = "<KEY>"
maxResults = "50"

Done. When you run JACK with the above configuration, you should see the following output:

service_name = "Great YouTube Channel - YouTube Example"
contentDetails = {"relatedPlaylists":{"likes":"","uploads":"UUuQ8zW9VmVyml7KytSqJDzg"}}
title = "Papo Binário"
totalViews = "2083346"

YouTube Analytics API

For advanced metrics on YouTube, they offer separate service called YouTube Analytics. JACK can also interact with its API and perform OAuth authentication. Here's an example of configuration for getting the number of views, likes, subscribers gained, and the channel estimate minutes watched in January, 2021:

service_name = "My Great Channel - YouTube Analytics Example"
url = ""
method = "GET"

views = "/rows/0/1"
likes = "/rows/0/2"
subscribersGained = "/rows/0/3"
estimatedMinutesWatched = "/rows/0/0"

auth_uri = ""
token_uri = ""
client_id = "<YOUR CLIENT ID>"
client_secret = "<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>"

ids = "channel==MINE"
metrics = "estimatedMinutesWatched,views,likes,subscribersGained"
startDate = "2021-01-01"
endDate = "2021-02-01"

Before running JACK with the above configuration, you need to provide a client_id and a client_secret for the YouTube Analytics API. Refer to this article if you don't have them yet.

JACK's output would be like the following:

service_name = "My Great Channel - YouTube Analytics Example"
estimatedMinutesWatched = 162626
likes = 2964
subscribersGained = 646
views = 37745

If you study the services' API enough, you'll be ready to use JACK to extract every possible bit of information you need. :)


After you are finished with the configuration, you should be ready to run JACK as easy as:

cargo run