Metagov Interoperable Deliberative Tools Data puddle
Hey Everyone! Here is a shared repository to make it as simple as possible to interoperate between our tools. For now - that means just sharing our flat flies, and being able to generally sort through what might be included in each different tool. Eventually we might be able to use this as a launching off spot for more generalizable collaboration or shared vocabulary!
This repository is still in progress. Let's see what we can do with it!
Within this github, we aim to collect folders which include at a minimum a read me for a project and a flatfile that represents the export structure of each of the tools involved.
We are working on building out a more specific format for the ReadMe descriptions to make the whole repo more searchable but for now we ask that you include the following:
- A short description of the type of data that you have.
- A link to your website/public profile.
- (if possible) A link to your open-source repository.
In addition, we ask that you upload
- Your flat-file structure.
- (if possible) Any sample data (preferably non-real data - unless you have explicit permission to share in an open space with cc-by licensing)