The GPlates Web Service Python Wrapper allows users to access GPlates Web Service more easily via a simple Python programming interface. This Python package is a part of GPlates software suite. GPlates is an open source project funded by AuScope.
pip install gwspy
The following Python code reconstructs three locations to 100Ma with Muller2019 reconstruction model.
# pip install gwspy shapely
import shapely
from gwspy import PlateModel, reconstruct_shapely_points
lats = [50, 10, 50]
lons = [-100, 160, 100]
points = [shapely.Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(lons, lats)]
model = PlateModel("Muller2019")
paleo_points = reconstruct_shapely_points(model, points, 100)
By default, is used. You can use .env file to specify your service URL. Alternertively, you can export GWS_URL=https://your-service-url
in a terminal.
See env.template and setup GWS server with Docker.
API reference can be found at
The EarthByte group at the University of Sydney is responsible for maintaining the GPlates software suite.
The red dots are present-day locations. The blue dots are paleo-locations at 100Ma.