Some tools to encrypt and decrypt the Rotation (Caesar) Cipher and Substituion Cipher
- Encrypt/decrypt a message using a key
- Crack the Rotation Cipher (find the right key)
Compile: gcc -o ciphertool main.c ciphertool.c
Run: ./ciphertool
Or, to compile and run in one command:
gcc -o ciphertool main.c ciphertool.c && ./ciphertool
- main.c: User-interactive CLI program.
- ciphertool.c: Functions to cipher/decipher
- ciphertool.h: The C header file for the cipher functions.
- google-10000-english.txt: The 10,000 most common English words in order of frequency, as determined by n-gram frequency analysis of the Google's Trillion Word Corpus.
This program was made for a bit of fun. It's in no way robust and has loads of limitations eg. can only use CAPITAL letters. Use and abuse as you see fit.