🚀 Features
- ee15632 #64 Need to adaopt test, closes #64
- 1ac373a #64 Re-align ingress and secret names on other resources, closes #64
- 7548be8 #64 Add WebSocket ingress management, closes #64
🐛 Fixes
🧰 Tasks
- dab568a #71 Preparing release 0.0.2 with jreleaser, closes #71
- ab06449 update from global .github repo (#72), closes #72
- a0395f1 update from global .github repo (#70), closes #70
- 8167fbd update from global .github repo (#69), closes #69
- d7d9178 #65 Add artifacthub metadata, closes #65
- 654b55c #50 Rationalize test configuration, closes #50
- e84977d #63 #50 Keyless cosign and Kind + Kuttl latest versions, closes #50 #63
- edcfcc9 #46 Prepare next iteration, closes #46
🛠 Build
- 386cd0d #66 Update displayed tag index otherwise the signature is always displayed, closes #66
- afbdbcc #68 Publish images to Docker Hub as well, closes #68
- 38ee808 #67 Generate and attach SBOM to images, closes #67
- e891fb2 #66 Signing our native container image with cosign, closes #66
- 4f64ad4 Releasing version 0.0.2
- 876beef [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- GitHub
- Laurent Broudoux
- microcks-bot (@microcks-bot)