1.0.0-master-20201022-2: BugFix: adding app insights and logging to configuration settings (#358)
- 2e845de BugFix: adding app insights and logging to configuration settings (#358)
- b6d6ee3 Update setup.md (#383)
- 1e2822c Auditing Executed Messages in Middleware (#386)
- 6d8b473 Dicom-Cast Delete (#391)
- daa1710 adding more questions to faq (#378)
- 1052d8f Small typo in dicom.md (#384)
- 6599750 Fix Bug: Dicom Cast error when processing changefeed entry that has been deleted (#377)
- 2c684f6 Replace sync start with async Initialize, which is exact replace based on the logic in Start() (#394)
This list of changes was auto generated.