python obfuscator
Title: Python Code Obfuscation v1.0
Author: Samuel Cheng
Date: 14/5/2021
Project Description: If you're here you probably want to make your code UNREADABLE TO THE CASUAL OBSERVER/BEGINNER AT PYTHON Disclaimers: If you pass this to an average python coder they can probably decrypt it.
Usage: #Important note: For this program to work, a node .py file must be made in the same working directory as the target file from pyOb import Obfuscate #Function 1: encode_base64 #Parameters: CompletedCode, Filename (Point to another file or leave blank for the current file)
Obfuscate().encode_base64(True, "")
[completedcode] if completedcode is true, this program will write a complete set of code for the encrypted program to be run else if completedcode is false, this program will just leave the encrypted code in a .txt file which you can decode it later [*args (filename)] leave blank to convert the current code that uses this function if not, put a filename in the current working directory (e.g., #Function 2: decode_base64 #Parameters: Filename (Point to another file or leave blank for the current file)
[Filename] Put a filename in the current working directory (e.g., to convert #Function 3: run #Parameters: Filename, visible
Obfuscate().run("encoded_pyOb_27657D.txt", False)
[Filename] Put a filename in the current working directory (MUST BE A .txt FILE WITH ONLY THE ENCRYPTED CODE IN IT) [visible] If you want your decrypted code to be displayed when showing your friends, if not set visible to False
Example (from node file):
from pyOb import Obfuscate
Obfuscate().encode_base64(True, "")