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A step-by-step guide to building a Bitcoin & Lightning node, and other stuff on a personal computer


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Build your own "DIY" Bitcoin & Lightning node, and other stuff on a personal computer. No need to trust anyone else.


Build your own "do-everything-yourself" Bitcoin & Lightning node, and other stuff on a personal computer, making you sovereign.

No need to trust anyone else. Don't trust, verify!

What is the MiniBolt?

With this guide, you can set up a Bitcoin, Lightning node, and other stuff on a personal computer, doing everything yourself. You will learn about Linux, Bitcoin, Lightning, and much more.

There are many reasons why you should run your own Bitcoin node:

👥 Keep Bitcoin decentralized: use your node to help enforce your Bitcoin consensus rules.

🗽 Take back your sovereignty: let your node validate your Bitcoin transactions. No need to ask someone else to tell you what's happening in the Bitcoin network.

🥷🏽 Improve your privacy: connect your wallets to your node so you no longer need to reveal their financial history to external servers.

⚡️ Be part of Lightning: run your Lightning node for everyday payments and help build a robust and decentralized Lightning network.

MiniBolt overview

This guide explains setting up your own Bitcoin node on a personal computer. However, it works on most hardware platforms because it only uses standard Debian-based Linux commands.


Your Bitcoin node will offer the following functionality:

🟠 Bitcoin: direct and trustless participation in the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network, full validation of blocks and transactions.

⚛️ Electrum server: connect your compatible wallets (including hardware wallets) to your node.

⛓️ Blockchain Explorer: web-based Explorer to privately look up transactions, blocks, and more.

Lightning: full client with stable long-term channels and web-based and mobile-based management interfaces.

🔋 Always on: services are constantly synced and available 24/7.

🌐 Reachable from anywhere: connect to all your services through the Tor network and Wireguard VPN.

Target audience

  • We strive to give foolproof instructions. But the goal is also to do everything ourselves.
  • Shortcuts that involve trusting someone else are not allowed. This makes this guide quite technical, but we try to make it as straightforward as possible.
  • You'll gain a basic understanding of the how and why.
  • If you want to learn about Linux, Bitcoin, and Lightning, this guide is for you.


We aim to keep the core of this guide well-maintained and up-to-date:

🖥️ SystemPrepare the hardware and set up the operating systemoperating-system.mdremote-access.mdsystemoperating-system.gif
🟠 ₿itcoinSync your own Bitcoin full node, Electrum server, Blockchain Explorer, and connect a desktop wallet to the Electrum serverelectrum-server.mdblockchain-explorer.mdbitcoincore_logo.png
LightningRun your Lightning client with web-based node management, connect a mobile app, and save safely your SCB backupchannel-backup.mdweb-app.mdlightninglightning-network-daemon-logo.png
Bonus guideThe bonus section contains more specific guides that build on top of the main section. More fun, lots of knowledge, but with lesser maintenance guarantees. Everything is optional.systembitcoinnostrBroken linkbonus-logo.png

How to build

{% embed url="" %}


👥 RRSS 👥
🛠️ GitHub 🛠️

{% hint style="info" %} Feel free to join the many other contributors if you see something that can be improved! {% endhint %}


🗺️ Network mapnetworkmap_icon.png
🛣️ Roadmaproadmap_icon.png
📋Guides listlist.png[email protected]/1734856867447

Free services

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Nostr relay" %} {% hint style="info" %} Use a Nostr client to connect {% endhint %}


{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Electrum server" %} {% hint style="info" %} Use a signing app (Sparrow Wallet or Electrum Wallet desktop) to connect {% endhint %}

Fulcrum - mainnet (🧅onion):


Fulcrum - testnet4 (🧅onion):


{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Explorer" %} BTC RPC Explorer - mainnet (🚾clearnet):

-> CLICK to access -> <-

BTC RPC Explorer - mainnet (🧅onion - Use Tor browser):


{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Lightning Watchtower (only LND)" %} {% hint style="info" %} Use lncli to connect to it:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

lncli wtclient add 02ad47b4e41cfce258e2db8d7eb9a194570ca29beba2897970d1ecc7d1c9a2726b@zm32w2qs2lf6xljnvqnmv6o2xlufsf4g6vfjihyydg4yhxph4fnqcvyd.onion:9911

{% endcode %} {% endhint %}

Lightning Watchtower server - mainnet (🧅onion):

{% code overflow="wrap" %}


{% endcode %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Keyserver" %}

  • Hockeypuck OpenPGP Public Keyserver (🚾clearnet):

-> CLICK to access -> <-

  • Hockeypuck OpenPGP Public Keyserver (🧅onion - use Tor browser):

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


All guides are rated with labels to help you assess their difficulty and whether they are tested against the most recent version of the main guide.

  • Difficulty: indicates how difficult the bonus guide is in terms of installation procedure or usage

{% hint style="success" %} Difficulty: Easy {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %} Difficulty: Medium {% endhint %}

{% hint style="danger" %} Difficulty: Hard {% endhint %}

  • Cost: indicates if the service used in the guide is free or paid

{% hint style="warning" %} Cost: Paid service {% endhint %}

Port reference

22TCPDefault SSH server port
9050TCPDefault Tor SOCKS port
9051TCPDefault Tor control port
7656TCPDefault I2P SAM proxy port
7070TCPDefault I2Pd web console port
7071SSLI2Pd web console SSL port
8332TCPDefault Bitcoin Core Tor RPC port
8333TCPDefault Bitcoin Core P2P port
8334TCPDefault Bitcoin Core Tor port
50001TCPFulcrum TCP port
50002SSLFulcrum SSL port
8000TCPFulcrum Admin port
3002TCPDefault BTC RPC Explorer HTTP port
4000SSLBTC RPC Explorer HTTPS port (encrypted)
9735TCPDefault LND P2P port
10009TCPDefault LND gRPC port
9911TCPDefault LND Watchtower server port
3000TCPDefault ThunderHub HTTP port
4002SSLThunderHub HTTPS port (encrypted)
8080TCPLND REST port
5432TCPDefault PostgreSQL relational DB port
51820UDPDefault WireGuard VPN port
RandomTCPRandom Cloudflared port
<TODO1>TCPobfs4 bridge OR port
<TODO2>TCPobfs4 port
9001TCPOR port Guard/Middle relay
9052TCPTor obfs4 bridge control port
9053TCPTor Guard/Middle relay control port
50021TCPElectrs TCP port
50022SSLElectrs SSL port
48333TCPDefault Bitcoin Core P2P Testnet4 port
48334TCPDefault Bitcoin Core P2P Testnet4 secondary port
48332TCPDefault Bitcoin Core RPC Testnet4 port
40001TCPFulcrum Testnet4 port
40002SSLFulcrum Testnet4 SSL port
40021TCPElectrs Testnet4 port
40022SSLElectrs server Testnet4 SSL port
24444TCPDefault NBXplorer port
23000TCPDefault BTCPay Server port
8880TCPDefault Nostr relay port