This is a set of utilities that bundles documents, images and videos together to create one video file with no sound to play on raspberryPi. Raspi scripts are in /client folder, put them in cron every so often (I used * * * * *)
How to use:
Pull to local, install php and your favourite webserver. Add execution right to scripts from ./scripts
Run ./scripts/
Edit and execute ./scripts/config.ps1
Edit ./www/config.php
Configure your webserver with ./www as a root document.
Default user:password is admin:admin, change after first logon.
Probably some permissions are incorrect, run ./scripts/ to find out which.
Basically this. Control panel is pretty basic, so you should be able to figue it out yourself.
Schedules are set in a way that allows only first valid schedule to be activated.
./scripts/main.ps1 should be in cron.