connect your google sheet with mixpanel! no coding required!
Install Now! See sample data here
after installing you will see the sheets โ mixpanel
dropdown under extensions
in any google sheet. this module provides two modes, which are exposed in the main menu:
- Sheet โ Mixpanel: import event/user/group/table data from the current sheet.
- Mixpanel โ Sheet: export reports or cohort data from your mixpanel project
each UI has a simple user interface, and is essentially a form you fill out that contains the necessary details to carry out your desired result.
sheet โ mixpanel queries your currently active sheet to get your sheet's column headers.
once you choose the type of data you are importing, you will use the visual mapper to connect the column headers from your sheet to the required fields for the type of mixpanel data you are importing:
as a brief summary of the documentation mixpanel's data model for events requires fields for:
- event name : what to call each event in mixpanel
- distinct_id : the unique user identifier to whom the event is attributed
- time : a valid date or time; if the sheet recognizes your chosen column as a 'date' or time', it should work as intended
- insert_id : a value used to deduplicate records (optional)
all other columns in your spreadsheet will get sent as properties (event, user, or group)
you'll also need to provide :
- project id
- project token
- project region
- either:
- service account (admin or higher) OR
- API secret
note: since v1.12 syncs are not supported for events.
next, read about runs + syncs
mixpanel โ sheet queries your mixpanel project for a report or cohort and makes the results available in a new sheet.
note that this will be identical to the functionality would get when exporting a CSV file from the mixpanel UI:
there are a number of parameters needed to fetch a CSV from mixpanel; the simplest way to gather those parameters is to paste the URL of the report/cohort you wish to sync from your mixpanel project, and the app should find them:
in case the URL does not contain all the values you need, the UI requires:
a service account (consumer or higher)
a URL with either
(to resolve data residency) -
and either:
you can manually type these values in after pasting in a URL.
note: as of v1.12 insights, funnels, & retention are the only supported reports
next, read about runs + syncs
each UI has a similar user interface for you to input your details with four key actions at the bottom:
- Run: run the current configuration once; results are display in the UI
- Sync: run the current configuration every hour; run receipts are stored in a log sheet
- Save: store the current configuration
- Clear: delete this sheet's sync and reload the UI
you may only have one sync active per sheet at a time.
if you are planning to sync data from your sheet to mixpanel, it is recommended that you do a "run" first.
once created, syncs will run on an hourly schedule; they can also be manually triggered from the main menu by choosing Sync Now!:
note: since v1.12 syncs are not supported for events.
For local development, you will need to do the following:
clone the repo:
git clone
install dev dependencies:
npm install
install clasp globally:
npm i g clasp
create a google sheet by importing the provided test data
in the google sheets UI, go to Extensions โ AppsScript โ Project Settings to get your
- using the
create a.clasp.json
file of the form:
"scriptId": "your-googleApps-script-id",
"rootDir": "/path/to/this",
"projectId": "your-gcp-project"
- run
clasp login
to create a.clasprc.json
file of the form:
"token": {
"access_token": "",
"scope": "",
"token_type": "",
"id_token": "",
"expiry_date": ,
"refresh_token": ""
"oauth2ClientSettings": {
"clientId": "",
"clientSecret": "",
"redirectUri": "http://localhost"
"isLocalCreds": true
see these docs for more info
npm run push
to push the module's code into your instance -
for other scripts; anything with awatch
prefix will re-run on local code changes
Here's an overview of the code in the repo:
โโโ Code.js # routes + templates
โโโ # this file
โโโ appsscript.json # extension manifest
โโโ components # data in/out logic
โย ย โโโ dataExport.js
โย ย โโโ dataImport.js
โโโ creds.json # server-side credentials
โโโ env-sample.js # where test credentials go
โโโ env.js
โโโ jsconfig.json # typescript config
โโโ models # models for data import
โย ย โโโ modelEvents.js
โย ย โโโ modelGroups.js
โย ย โโโ modelTables.js
โย ย โโโ modelUsers.js
โโโ package-lock.json
โโโ package.json # scripts + dependencies
โโโ testData # test data
โย ย โโโ events.csv
โย ย โโโ full\ sandbox.xlsx # (use this one)
โย ย โโโ groups.csv
โย ย โโโ tables.csv
โย ย โโโ users.csv
โโโ tests # local + server tests
โย ย โโโ MockData.js
โย ย โโโ UnitTestingApp.js
โย ย โโโ all.test.js
โโโ types # jsdoc + typescript types
โย ย โโโ Types.d.ts
โย ย โโโ Types.js
โโโ ui # user interface
โย ย โโโ mixpanel-to-sheet.html
โย ย โโโ sheet-to-mixpanel.html
โโโ utilities
โโโ REPL.js # a "quick and dirty" REPL for GAS
โโโ flush.js # sending data to mixpanel
โโโ md5.js # for $insert_id construction
โโโ misc.js # various utilities
โโโ sheet.js # for manipulating sheets
โโโ storage.js # modifying storage configuration
โโโ toJson.js # turn CSV to JSON
โโโ tracker.js # usage tracking
โโโ validate.js # validation utils
you can run local tests with the watch-test-local
npm run watch-test-local
you can run server-side tests with the test-server
npm run test-server
in order for server-side tests to work, you will need to fill out params in a env.js
file... there is a sample (env-sample.js
) committed to the repo; this is what passing server-side tests look like (in the GCP console):
Sheetsโข โ Mixpanel use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
The app is free to use and does not contain ads, nor will any data collected by Sheetsโข โ Mixpanel be resold in any way. No human can read your spreadsheets; usage data is collected and anonymized only to improve the end-user's experience.
Using the principle of least-privilege, Sheetsโข โ Mixpanel requests access to three sensitive scopes to support application functionality, which are explained below:
is used to draw a dynamic UI which maps the columns headers of your currently active Google Sheetโข into dropdowns in the extension interface. -
is used to support scheduled hourly "sync" functionality so the pipeline you've configured in the UI can run automatically. -
is used to send your mapped data to mixpanel and to request your report/cohort data from mixpanel.
no other sensitive scopes are requested by the application.
google sheets are databases. mixpanel is a database. it should be easy to make these things interoperable. now it is!
that's it for now. have fun!