Docker image with Apache ManifoldCF configured to run with Postgres, and startup the agents and web application using separate Java processes.
docker build -t perficientdevops/manifoldcf:2.11 .
docker push perficientdevops/manifoldcf
docker-compose up -d
- Install Ansible
- Clone the postgres-operator repo
- Navigate to
- Setup the Ansible inventory file:
- set Kubernetes context
- true/false create RBAC resources
- set installation name and admin username/password
- configure operator namespace and which namespaces to manage
- update Docker image tags (
) - true/false
client installation pgo_cluster_admin='false'
- database/operator defaults
- configure storage
ansible-playbook -i /path/to/inventory --tags=install main.yml
- Install
CLI kubectl port-forward <postgres-operator-pod> 8443
export PGOUSER="${HOME?}/.pgo/pgo/pgouser" export PGO_CA_CERT="${HOME?}/.pgo/pgo/client.crt" export PGO_CLIENT_CERT="${HOME?}/.pgo/pgo/client.crt" export PGO_CLIENT_KEY="${HOME?}/.pgo/pgo/client.pem" export PGO_APISERVER_URL=''
pgo version
to confirm all is well.
OpenShift clusters also need a new Security Context Constraint:
oc apply -f
pgo create cluster manifoldcf-db -n manifoldcf -c centos7-10.11-4.1.1 \
--autofail --replica-count 1
pgo test manifoldcf-db -n manifoldcf
kubectl create secret generic postgresql --from-literal=postgresql_password='<db-user-password>'
kubectl apply -f kube/manifoldcf-web.yaml