A Leptos-based Rust project with Keplr, Shade Protocol, and Stride API connectivity
- Keplr API for wallet connectivity, signing transactions, and interacting with the user's account on the blockchain
- Secret Network API for querying blockchain data (e.g., governance proposals) and managing signed transactions
- Shade Protocol API for retrieving price feeds and derivative information
- Stride API for accessing staking and liquid staking-related derivative data (e.g. redemption rates for host zones)
- Multiple View Sections
- Desktop/Mobile layouts
- Clone the repository and navigate to the directory
- Run: ./build.sh
- To test Local: python3 -m http.server --bind
- Push to github with pages setup
- Clone the repository and navigate to the directory
- Run: trunk build --release
- Run: cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Run: wasm-bindgen --out-dir dist/pkg --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/yolonode.wasm
- Run: mkdir -p dist/static
- Run: cp static/* dist/static
- To test Locall: python3 -m http.server --bind
- Push to github with pages setup