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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

MomentPHP is a lightweight and intuitive PHP mini-framework enabling modular app design. The mini prefix means that it can be put somewhere between micro and full-stack frameworks. It offers bare minimum of functionality required in order to create web sites and web applications. Most importantly it gives "structure" to your code, leaving free choice about inclusion of additional tools. It is built on top of well-known (amongst the PHP community) libraries and solutions:

  • Slim micro-framework
  • Twig / Smarty templating engines (both supported out of the box)
  • components responsible for database access, configuration and caching from Laravel framework
  • Composer dependency manager

The framework (as well as its building blocks) embraces popular web software design patterns such as:


MomentPHP requires following software stack in order to run:

  • a web server such as Apache or Nginx (read more about web server setup in Slim's documentation)
  • PHP 5.5.9 or above (works with PHP 7 too!)
  • free ionCube Loader module to be installed and made available to PHP (if you are looking for non-encoded version write an email - you can find relevant address at the bottom of homepage)
  • Composer dependency manager

It is also recommended (but not required) to enable following PHP modules:

Local setup

Here is step-by-step guide on how to setup framework locally using XAMPP on Windows:

  • create project folder: C:\xampp\htdocs\momentphp
  • within project folder issue following command (this will install app skeleton along with its dependencies):
composer create-project momentphp/app . --stability=dev
  • create domain to serve the application (momentphp.local in this example). Do that by adding following vhost configuration inside C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs\momentphp\web"
    ServerName momentphp.local
    <Directory "C:\xampp\htdocs\momentphp\web">
        Options All
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
  • add new domain definition to OS hosts file (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts): momentphp.local
  • restart Apache web server

After completing above steps, point your browser to http://momentphp.local and you should see framework welcome page with some debug information.


Put simply, a service is usually a PHP object that performs some sort of task such as sending emails, rendering templates or persisting information into a database. A service container (or dependency injection container) is a PHP object that manages the instantiation of services (with their dependencies). MomentPHP uses default service container provided by Slim - Pimple. You can register and retrieve services via $app object (available as a property within framework classes), which is an instance of momentphp\App class.

Example ways of retrieving config service from the container via $app instance:

$app->get('/', function () { // inside route callable
    $config = $this->app->config;
$this->app->config // inside controller, model etc.
{{ }} // inside Twig template
{$this->app->config} // inside Smarty template

You can also retrieve services using service container directly:

$config = $app->getContainer()->get('config');
// or
$app->get('/', function () {
    $config = $this->get('config');

There is also a global helper function app() which allows accessing services in the container. It can be used just about anywhere (for example in configuration files):

return [
    'compile' => path([app('pathStorage'), 'templates', 'smarty', app()->fingerprint()]),

Note that if you do not supply service name, the app() function will return application instance.

Registering services

In order to register a new service, it must be given a name. Service name should be unique and in camelCase format. You may use handy momentphp\App::service() helper method to register a service which returns the same shared instance of the object for all calls:

$app->service('someService', function ($container) {
    $otherService = $container->get('otherService'); // you may access other services in the container
    return new Object($otherService);

You may need to use service container directly in order to register non-shared services. For example if you want a different instance to be returned for all calls:

$app->service('someService', $app->getContainer()->factory(function ($container) {
    return new Object;

You can also register anonymous function as a service. The function will be returned without being invoked:

$app->service('someService', $app->getContainer()->protect(function ($name) {
    return 'Hello ' . $name;

In some cases you may want to modify a service after it has been defined:

$app->getContainer()->extend('someService', function ($service, $container) {
    return $service;

Service providers

Service providers are classes responsible for registering services and are located inside /providers folder within bundle. Service provider class should extend momentphp\Provider and implement __invoke() method:

namespace bundles\welcome\providers;

class TestProvider extends \momentphp\Provider
    public function __invoke()
        $this->app->service('test', function() {
            return 'Test Service';

Service providers are loaded via configuration. In order to load above service provider you must put following line in /config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    'test' => 'TestProvider',

You can also unload service provider loaded by previous bundle (see Bundle inheritance):

'providers' => [
    'test' => false

Note that you may put default service provider options in /config/providers.php and later access those options within the class via $this->options() - see Instance configuration.

You may also implement Provider::boot() method. This method is called after all other service providers have been registered, meaning you have access to all other services that have been registered.

Important framework services

Most framework features are buit as services. Important ones with their names and short descriptions are presented in the following table:

name description
$app->app application instance (manages loaded bundles)
$app->env application environment name (`production`, `development`, etc.)
$app->environment server environment data
$app->request initial request object
$app->response initial response object
$app->debug application debug flag
$app->console application console flag
$app->pathBase application skeleton installation path
$app->pathWeb web server document root path
$app->pathStorage framework generated files path (logs, compiled templates, etc.)
$app->config object that manages configuration
$app->registry object that manages loaded "global" instances of various classes like models, controllers, etc.
$app->database object that manages database connections
$app->cache object that manages cache stores
$app->log object that manages loggers
$app->router object that manages routes
$app->view view object that allows to render templates
$app->error object that registers framework error handlers


One of the most powerful features of MomentPHP is its bundles system. Bundles are mini-apps offering certain functionality. Have a great user management module, simple blog, or web services module in one of your applications? Package it as bundle so you can reuse it in other applications and share with the community. Your application can use multiple bundles.

Creating a new bundle

By default bundles are placed inside /bundles folder (assuming you are using app skeleton). Each bundle should have its own unique namespace. If we were to create helloWorld bundle we should start by creating bundle class file /bundles/helloWorld/Bundle.php with following content:

namespace bundles\helloWorld;

class Bundle extends \momentphp\Bundle

The location of bundle class file determines bundle root folder. Within that folder you can place various bundle resources (configuration, routes, templates) and classes (models, controllers, etc.). Theoretically bundle can be placed anywhere in the filesystem as long as Composer's autoloader is able to locate bundle class file.

Each bundle has an alias, which is the lower-cased version of the bundle namespace where namespace separators (\) are replaced with dots:

namespace alias
bundles\helloWorld bundles.helloworld

Aliases are used across various framework parts - i.e. to load templates from specific bundle. You can get bundle object via $app->bundles('bundles.helloworld') method. Also you may alter default alias with custom one while loading bundle:

$app = new momentphp\App([
    bundles\helloWorld\Bundle::class => ['alias' => 'hello'],

momentphp\Bundle::boot() callback is invoked (if implemented) just before response is sent to the client. It can be used to perform some logic (i.e. to set some global PHP settings):

namespace bundles\helloWorld;

class Bundle extends \momentphp\Bundle
    public function boot()
        ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M');

Bundle folder structure

folder or file holds
/config configuration files
/controllers controllers classes
/helpers helpers classes
/templates templates
/middlewares middlewares classes
/providers providers classes
/models models classes
routes.php routes
Bundle.php bundle main class file

Loading bundles

Appliation loads bundles in main index.php file which serves as a front controller responding for all incoming requests:

$app = new momentphp\App([

While loading a bundle, apart from defining custom alias, you may choose to disable loading of certain resources or classes:

 * Do not load configuration, routes and models from helloWorld bundle
$app = new momentphp\App([
    bundles\helloWorld\Bundle::class => [
        'skipResource' => ['config', 'routes'],
        'skipClass' => ['models'],

Bundle inheritance

Bundle inheritance is one of the most powerful features of MomentPHP. As stated earlier application can use multiple bundles. The order in which bundles are loaded matters. Resources from previous bundle can be overriden in next bundle in chain. To illustrate this process let's assume that application loads two bundles:

$app = new momentphp\App([


In order to override configuration from first bundle you need to create config file with the same name in second bundle but only with options you wish to override (see Configuration).


In order to override route from first bundle you need to create a route in second bundle with the same URL pattern but different handler (see Routes).


In order to override specific template from first bundle:


create the template file with the same name in second bundle:


See Templates for more information.


In order to override class-based resources (like controllers, models, etc.) create corresponding class file with the same name and extend suitable parent class:

namespace bundles\second\models;

class PostModel extends \bundles\first\models\PostModel
    public function index()
        return parent::index();


Configuration is stored in plain PHP files inside /config folder in each bundle. Each file should return an array of options. It is advisable to create separate file for each category of configuration options. If we would like to store API keys for our application we could create /config/api.php file with following content:

return [
    'Google' => [
        'Recaptcha' => [
            'publicKey' => 'fc2baa1a20b4d5190b122b383d7449fd',
            'privateKey' => '4f14fbe4af13860085e563210782da88'
    'Twitter' => 'f561aaf6ef0bf14d4208bb46a4ccb3ad'

Config service allows you to access above configuration values anywhere:

$app->config->get('api.Google.Recaptcha.publicKey'); // returns single key
$app->config->get('api'); // returns whole array

You may also specify a default value to return if the configuration option does not exist:

$app->config->get('api.Instagram', 'bf083d4ab960620b645557217dd59a49');

Configuration values can also be set at run-time:

$app->config->set('api.Yahoo', '241fe8af1e038118cd817048a65f803e');

There is also a handy method for checking existence of given configuration key:

$app->config->has('api.Github'); // false

Environment specific configuration

It is often helpful to have different configuration values based on the environment the application is running in. By default application environment is set to production. You can change environment setting inside main index.php file:

$app = new momentphp\App([...], [
    'env' => 'development',
    'pathBase' => $pathBase,
    'pathWeb' => __DIR__,

To override configuration for development environment (set above) simply create a folder within the /config directory that matches environment name. Next, create the configuration files you wish to override and specify the options for that environment. For example, to override the debug flag for the development environment, you would create a /config/development/app.php file with the following content:

return [
    'displayErrorDetails' => true

Default configuration file names

Framework stores its configuration in a set of pre-defined files:

file name description
app.php application configuration
bundles.php bundles configuration (see Instance configuration)
cache.php cache stores configuration
controllers.php controllers/cells configuration (see Instance configuration)
database.php database connections configuration
helpers.php helpers configuration (see Instance configuration)
loggers.php loggers configuration
middlewares.php middlewares configuration (see Instance configuration)
models.php models configuration (see Instance configuration)
providers.php service providers configuration (see Instance configuration)

Instance configuration

Many framework classes are using configuration capabilities provided by momentphp\traits\OptionsTrait. It provides clean solution for configuring instances without the need to create unnecessary class properties. Firstly you may hard code configuration inside a class:

class PostModel extends Model
    protected $defaults = [
        'listing' => [
            'perPage' => 10

Hard-coded options are merged with options passed to constructor function during object initialization. For controllers, models, helpers, service providers and middlewares you can define configuration options passed to constructor by creating appropriate configuration file. For PostModel above we could create /config/models.php file with following content:

return [
    'Post' => [
        'listing' => [
            'perPage' => 20,
            'more' => true,

You can get and set model configuration after instance creation via options() method:

$this->Post->options('listing.perPage'); // get
$this->Post->options('listing.perPage', 5); // set


Model classes in MVC pattern are responsible for providing controllers with data from various sources: databases, files on disk or even external web services. MomentPHP model classes are located inside /models folder within bundle.

Here is a simple example of a model definition from hypothetical blog bundle:

namespace bundles\blog\models;

class PostModel extends \momentphp\Model
    public function findAll()
        return $this->db()->table('posts')->get();

    public function findById($id)
        return $this->db()->table('posts')->where('id', $id)->first();

Within model methods, you can access database connection object via momentphp\Model::db() method. Please refer to Laravel's documentation on how to create simple and advanced queries using this object:

Note that connections are lazily loaded when they are needed so a model may not use database at all - and can talk to web service for instance.


By default all model classes will use default database connection. In /config/database.php file within bundle you may define all of your database connections, as well as specify which connection should be used by default.

You may tell model class to use different connection by specifying $connection property:

class PostModel extends \momentphp\Model
    protected $connection = 'connection2';

Moreover, you can access just about any defined connection by passing it's name to $this->db() method:

$this->db('connection5')->table('posts')->where('id', $id)->first();

You may also access the raw, underlying PDO instance following way:

$pdo = $this->db()->getPdo(); // inside model class
$pdo = $this->app->database->connection()->getPdo(); // via $app object elsewhere

Accessing models

You can access model instance via $app->registry service:


Above creates "global" model instance which is initialized with configuration from /config/models.php:

return [
    'Post' => [
        'perPage' => 25

If needed, you can create as many model instances as you wish manually via momentphp\Registry::factory() method. Using this way you must pass configuration in second param:

$Post = $this->app->registry->factory('PostModel', ['perPage' => 25]);

Inside controller and model classes you can access other models with more concise syntax:


Model callbacks

momentphp\Model::initialize() callback lets you perform some logic just after model creation:

class PostModel extends \momentphp\Model
    public function initialize()
        // extecuted after model creation

Caching model methods

There is convenient caching mechanism built into model layer. By specifying cache key in model configuration you can control its behaviour:

return [
    'Post' => [
        'cache' => [
            'ttl' => 60 // cache all methods calls for 60 minutes

Following table shows a list of all supported options:

option data type default value description
store string not set the name of cache store to use (will use default store if not set - see Caching)
enabled boolean true cache method calls by default
ttl integer 30 default time to live (in minutes)
ttlMap array 30 maps method to ttl (in order to create non-default ttl for given method)
cacheMethods array [] list of methods to cache (if enabled is set to false)
nonCacheMethods array [] list of methods to no-cache (if enabled is set to true)


Controllers classes are located under /controllers folder inside a bundle. In a typical scenario controller is responsible for interpreting the request data, making sure the correct models are called, and the right response or template is rendered. Commonly, a controller is used to manage the logic around a single model.

Controller actions

Methods inside controller class are called actions. You map incoming URL to given controller action by creating corresponding route. Let's create simple route:

$app->get('/hello/{name}', 'HelloController:say');

and corresponding controller class:

namespace bundles\helloWorld\controllers;

class HelloController extends \momentphp\Controller
    protected function say($name)
        return 'Hello ' . $name;

Controller action must be protected and can return:

  • a string (sent to browser as text/html)
  • a response object
  • nothing

In case nothing is returned from action default action template will be rendered: /templates/controllers/Hello/say.twig. You can specify which template should be rendered by interacting with controller's view object:

$this->view->template('say2'); // will render: /templates/controllers/Hello/say2.twig
// or
$this->view->template('/say2'); // will render: /templates/say2.twig

You can also force controller to use template from specific bundle (referenced by alias):

// following will render: /templates/controllers/Hello/say2.twig from "hello" bundle

If client asks for JSON (or XML) and your application is using NegotiationMiddleware templates are rendered in following manner:

// client asks for JSON
$this->view->template('say2'); // will render: /templates/controllers/Hello/json/say2.twig
// client asks for XML
$this->view->template('say2'); // will render: /templates/controllers/Hello/xml/say2.twig

The momentphp\Controller::set() method is the main way to send data from your controller to your template:

// send variable to the template inside controller action:
$this->set('color', 'pink');
// or
$this->view->set('color', 'pink');

// access variable inside a template
You have choosen {{ color }} color. // Twig
You have choosen {$color} color. // Smarty

The set() method also takes an associative array as its first parameter.

Controller callbacks

If you need to perform some logic before or after controller action is invoked, you can use following callbacks:

class HelloController extends \momentphp\Controller
    public function beforeAction($action)
        if ($action === 'say') {
            // extecuted before say() action

    public function afterAction($action)
        if ($action === 'say') {
            // extecuted after say() action

    protected function say($name)
        return 'Hello ' . $name;

There is also momentphp\Controller::initialize() callback which is fired just after controller creation.

Request object

You can access current request object inside actions using $this->request property. You may fetch an associative array of query string parameters with getQueryParams() method. This method returns an empty array if no query string is present:

$queryParams = $this->request->getQueryParams();

To fetch request parameter value from body OR query string (in that order):

$foo = $this->request->getParam('foo'); // $_POST['foo'] or $_GET['foo']
$bar = $this->request->getParam('bar', 'default'); // setting default value if param not set

You can find more information about request object in Slim’s documentation:

Response object

You can access current response object inside actions using $this->response property. Response object can be returned from action. To return redirect response:

class HelloController extends \momentphp\Controller
    protected function say($name)
        return $this->response->withRedirect('/login');

To return JSON response:

class HelloController extends \momentphp\Controller
    protected function say($name)
        return $this->response->withJson(['name' => $name]);

To render 404 - page not found:

class HelloController extends \momentphp\Controller
    protected function say($name)

You can find more information about response object in Slim’s documentation:


Cells are small mini-controllers that can invoke view logic and render out templates. Cells are ideal for building reusable page components that require interaction with models, view logic, and rendering logic. A simple example would be the cart in an online store, or a data-driven navigation menu in a CMS. Cells do not dispatch sub-requests. Cells classes are placed under /controllers/cells folder within bundle.

Let's create sample ShoppingCart cell. Create cell class file bundles/helloWorld/controllers/cells/ShoppingCartController.php with following content:

namespace bundles\helloWorld\controllers\cells;

class ShoppingCartController extends \momentphp\Controller
    protected function display($items = 5)
        // grab some data and set it to the template

Our newly created cell may be invoked inside any template:

{{ this.cell('ShoppingCart') }} // Twig
{$this->cell('ShoppingCart')} // Smarty

You can also invoke any cell action and pass additional arguments:

{{ this.cell('ShoppingCart:display', 10) }} // Twig
{$this->cell('ShoppingCart:display', 10)} // Smarty

Cell templates are placed inside /templates/controllers/cells subfolder. In case no action is specified while invoking cell, display action will be invoked, rendering following template: bundles/helloWorld/templates/controllers/cells/ShoppingCart/display.twig.

Flash messages

Flash messages are one-time notifications displayed after processing a form or acknowledging data.

class ContactController extends \momentphp\Controller
    protected function form()
        if ($this->request->isPost()) {
            if ($formIsOk) {
                // will be rendered using /templates/partials/flash/success.tpl
                $this->app->flash->success('Your message has been sent');
                return $this->response->withRedirect('/');
            } else {
                // will be rendered using /templates/partials/flash/error.tpl
                $this->app->flash->error('Please correct form errors');

Messages are rendered inside template in following manner:

{$this->app->flash->render()} // Smarty
{{ }} // Twig


Out of the box framework supports Smarty and Twig templating engines. Templating engines are exposed as services (named smarty and twig respectively) implementing a common interface and are configured inside /config/providers.php. You pick which service should be used by default by setting appropriate value inside /config/app.php:

    'viewEngine' => 'smarty'

Template files should be placed inside /templates folder within bundle. Templates should fall into pre-defined folders presented below:

folder description
/templates/controllers templates for controllers actions
/templates/partials sub-templates - templates that are included by other templates
/templates/layouts layout templates

The this variable inside templates represents \momentphp\Template instance and allows you to access various objects inside template file:

Smarty Twig description
{$this->app} {{ }} app object
{$this->request} {{ this.request }} request object
{$this->Html} {{ this.Html }} HtmlHelper object

You can include template from specific bundle (referenced by alias - hello in following example) via following syntax:

{include file='[hello]partials/debugTable.tpl'} // Smarty
{% include '@hello/partials/debugTable.twig' %} // Twig


Helpers are classes for the presentation layer of your application. They contain presentational logic that is shared between many templates, partials or layouts. Helpers may assist in creating well-formed markup, aid in formatting text, times and numbers etc. Helper classes are placed under /helpers folder within bundle. Let's create sample TextHelper. Create class file under bundles/helloWorld/helpers/TextHelper.php with following content:

namespace bundles\helloWorld\helpers;

class TextHelper extends \momentphp\Helper
    public function uppercase($text)
        return strtoupper($text);

Now, the helper is ready to be used inside templates:

Here is uppercase post title: {$this->Text->uppercase($post.title)} // Smarty
Here is uppercase post title: {{ this.Text.uppercase(post.title) }} // Twig

Inside helper methods you may access:

$this->app // app object
$this->template // Template object
$this->template->request // request object
$this->template->vars // template variables
$this->options() // helper configuration set in "/config/helpers.php"


Routes are a way to map URL-s to the code that gets executed only when a certain request is received at the server. Routes are defined in /routes.php file inside bundle. Each route consists of three elements:

  • HTTP method
  • URL pattern
  • route handler

Here is sample route definition:

$app->any('/docs', 'DocsController:index');

With above definition, any HTTP request (GET, POST, ...) to /docs URL will invoke handler - that is DocsController::index() method. Handler can also be defined as anonymous function which takes $request, $response and $args params:

$app->any('/docs', function ($request, $response, $args) {
    $debugFlag = $this->debug; // accessing $app->debug service
    return $response->write('Hello world');

Note that you will have access to the service container instance inside of the Closure via the $this keyword.

You can find more information about router and routes in Slim's documentation:


Middleware is a callable which is invoked during application request/response lifecycle. Please find more detailed information about middleware in Slim's documentation:

In order to create simple Auth middleware create class file /middlewares/AuthMiddleware.php with content:

namespace bundles\helloWorld\middlewares;

class AuthMiddleware extends \momentphp\Middleware
    public function __invoke($request, $response, $next)
        $cookies = $request->getCookieParams();
        if (!isset($cookies['auth'])) {
            return $response->withRedirect('/login');
        return $next($request, $response);

Middleware can be attached at application level via configuration key:

'middlewares' => [
    'app' => [
        'auth' => 'AuthMiddleware',

Also you can attach middleware only to certain routes via app.middlewares.route configuration key:

'middlewares' => [
    'route' => [
        'auth' => 'AuthMiddleware',
$app->any('/pages/{page:.+}', 'PagesController:display')->add('auth');

Default middlewares

By default MomentPHP ships with following middlewares:

name description
AssetsMiddleware Allows to serve bundle assets placed inside /web folder via properly constructed URL: /bundles/{bundleAlias}/css/style.css. Note that is's just a quick solution (files are served via PHP) and you should symlink your assets for performance reasons in production.
NegotiationMiddleware Will automatically switch response content type from HTML to JSON (or XML) if client asks for it.


Events allows objects to notify other objects and anonymous listeners about changes. For example you may define custom user.create event for your app which will be triggered when a new user signs up:

class UserModel extends \momentphp\Model
    public function create($data)
        $id = $this->db()->table('users')->insertGetId($data);
        $this->app->eventsDispatcher()->fire('user.create', [$id]);
        return $id;

Later other parts of your code can listen and act upon defined event:

namespace bundles\mailer;

class Bundle extends \momentphp\Bundle
    public function boot()
        $this->app->eventsDispatcher()->listen('user.create', function ($userId) {
            // do something (send welcome email, etc.)

When you have multiple listeners to an event, sometimes you will want to stop the remaining listeners from running. To do that you can return false from the current listener.

Framework events

Some core events are already defined by the framework. You can subscribe to them in the same way that you subscribe to your own custom events:

event parameters
model.{name}.initilize (i.e. model.Post.initialize) $model
controller.{name}.initilize $controller
controller.{name}.beforeAction $controller, $action
controller.{name}.afterAction $controller, $action

Note that Laravel’s components (database and cache) used by MomentPHP are also emitting some events. Please refer to Laravel’s documentation for more information:


MomentPHP uses caching component from Laravel framework. Cache manager instance is available as cache service. The cache configuration is located at /config/cache.php. In this file you may specify which cache driver you would like used by default throughout your application. By default, framework is configured to use the file cache driver, which stores the serialized, cached objects in the filesystem.

Storing an item in the cache:

$app->cache->put('key', 'value', $minutes);

Retrieving an item from the cache:

$app->cache->get('key', 'default'); // retrieving an item or returning a default value

Checking for existence in cache:

if ($app->cache->has('key'))

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve an item from the cache, but also store a default value if the requested item doesn't exist. You may do this using the remember() method:

$value = $app->cache->remember('users', $minutes, function () use ($app) {
    return $app->registry->models->User->findAll();

When using multiple cache stores, you may access them via the store() method:

$value = $app->cache->store('foo')->get('key');

Please refer to Laravel’s documentation for more information about cache manager features:


By default log service will use default logger. In /config/loggers.php file within bundle you may define all of your loggers, as well as specify which logger should be used by default. Framework uses popular Monolog library so under the hood each logger is an instance of Monolog\Logger class.

Adding records to the log:

$app->log->addDebug('Foo', ['some' => 'data']);
// or
$app->log->log(\Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Foo', ['some' => 'data']);

You man access any configured logger via the logger() method:

$app->log->logger('error')->addDebug('Foo', ['some' => 'data']);

Error logging

You may want to log PHP errors. In order to do so please set appropriate logger name in /config/app.php:

'error' => [
    'log' => 'error' // set to `false` to disable PHP errors logging

Error handling

MomentPHP converts all PHP errors to exceptions. You can set PHP error reporting level by setting app.error.level configuration key to appropriate value:

'error' => [
    'level' => -1 // report all errors

By default framework will display all errors as exceptions using the Whoops! package if the app.displayErrorDetails switch is turned on OR hide them and use ErrorController to render client-friendly messages if the switch is turned off.

The value of app.displayErrorDetails configuration setting is available as a $app->debug service.

To sum up - setting app.displayErrorDetails to false changes the following types of things:

  • PHP errors are not displayed
  • uncaught exceptions and fatal errors will render default internal server error page - using ErrorController::error()
  • uncaught \Slim\Exception\NotFoundException will render default not found page - using ErrorController::notFound()
  • templates are not re-compiled when changed

Command line

MomentPHP application can also be invoked in command line mode. This comes handy when you need to setup some background processing tasks invoked by cron daemon for instance.

First, setup a GET route in /routes.php:

if ($app->console) {
    $app->get('/background/task', function($request, $response, $args) {
        // perform some tasks using models etc.

Then, issue following command (where index.php is application's front controller):

php index.php background/task


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