MongoDB Kubernetes Operator
MongoDB Kubernetes Operator 0.7.5
Upgrade breaking change notice
Versions 0.7.3, 0.7.4 have an issue that breaks deployment of MongoDB replica set when:
- TLS is enabled
- Replica set was deployed using the operator with version <=0.7.2
If above conditions are met, it is strongly advised to upgrade the MongoDB Kubernetes Operator to version 0.7.5 or higher.
Kubernetes Operator
Bug fixes
- Fixed ignoring changes to existing volumes in the StatefulSet, i.e. changes of the volumes' underlying secret. This could cause that TLS enabled MongoDB deployment was not able to locate TLS certificates when upgrading the operator to versions 0.7.3 or 0.7.4.
Security fixes
- The operator, readiness and versionhook binaries are now built with 1.18.5 which addresses security issues.