Check out my externals at
These templates require the use of the lcidlc compiler and shell scripts found in the LiveCode repo
Build LCIDLC and then symlink lcidlc to somewhere on your $PATH
The templates assume you have cloned the LiveCode repo to ~/livecode
and will
look for the shell scripts in ~/livecode/lcidlc/
and headers in
. If for some reason you cloned the repo elsewhere
in the project build settings before trying to
Android support assumes you have setup the Android toolchain as instructed by the instructions in the LiveCode repo and build Android. After building you also need to rename Classes-Community to Classes-Community.jar.
Once installed will be able to choose the templates when creating a new project in Xcode.
cd ~
git clone
cd livecode-external-templates
When you create a new project in Xcode you will now see options for LiveCode externals under iOS, OS X and Other (for android)
The android template (and possibly others in the future) need to access some files
in the template directory when building the external. Unfortunately there must be
no spaces in the path so at present it assumes you have cloned the templates to
. If for some reason you cloned the repo elsewhere
in the project build settings before
trying to build.
- Visual C++ Wizard
- Linux make or shell scripts