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Mapping utility for unknown JavaScript objects.


moonmap functions off of "processors". A processor has a unique ID, priority, an optional filter, and a process function. These must be registered in your index.ts file ASAP - not in a Webpack module or on the Node/host sides.

  name: "UniqueIDForTheProcessor",
  find: "something to look for",
  process(state) {
    return false;

The process function will be called for every matched module. The state argument contains the moonmap instance, the ID of the matched module, and a string representing the module source code. When process returns true, the processor is unregistered, and will not trigger for future modules. Return true when you have found your desired module(s).

Mapping modules

You can simply do moonmap.addModule(id, name) to register a module (e.g. moonmap.addModule("123456", "CustomName") means require("CustomName") goes to module 123456).

You can add an export by specifying the name, and what kind of export it is:

moonmap.addExport(name, "ExportName", {
  type: ModuleExportType.Function,
  find: "something to look for"