A Roguelike game with traditional top-down RPG elements. Inaccessible areas of the matrix/dungeon are bricked off:
Normal gameplay (the walls block movement--there are no graphics assets for walls yet):
WASD/keys to move, spacebar/left click to attack! Find the red-door exit to escape the dungeon.
Total of an 8-hour sprint over 2 days to implement a Matrix/2D Array method of generating a Roguelike dungeon, but with Dungeons-and-Dragons elements (character creation, player stats that make a difference in-game, etc.).
First, download the GitIgnore folder from Dropbox:
Then install your free copy of Unity 5, clone this repo, and open the dungeon-generator project. Drag the GitIgnore folder into the Assets folder in the project hierarchy. Then double click on the Start.unity scene in the Scenes folder under Assets. Finally, click the play button and enjoy!
Check out this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/cv2o45pTRjc