- references
- https://habr.com/en/post/692072/
- https://profilpelajar.com/article/Elliptic_curve_point_multiplication
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projective_plane
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_at_infinity
- https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/roots-of-unity/a-few-of-my-favorite-spaces-the-fano-plane/
- https://www.mathematicalgemstones.com/gemstones/opal/geometry-of-the-real-projective-plane/
- https://www.amazon.com/Blockchain-Distributed-Ledgers-Alexander-Lipton/dp/9811221510
- https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/70507/in-elliptic-curve-what-does-the-point-at-infinity-look-like
- https://trustica.cz/2018/03/29/elliptic-curves-point-at-infinity/
- Devoxx Greece 2024 - Asymmetric Cryptography: A Deep Dive by Eli Holderness
- https://chatgpt.com/
- goals of this workshop
- introduction to elliptic curves
- point addition
- multiplication by scalar
- introduction to elliptic curves over finite fields
- understanding what is the difference to elliptic curves over plane
- understanding concept of point at infinity
- understanding why they are useful in cryptography
- understanding how ECDSA works
- introduction to elliptic curves
- workshop plan
- implement function to sign a message according to ECDSA spec
- it could be valuable to take a look here first
- introduction to cryptography: https://github.com/mtumilowicz/cryptography-math-basics
- introduction to property based testing: https://github.com/mtumilowicz/scala-zio2-test-aspects-property-based-testing-workshop
- equation for an elliptic curve: y² = x³ + ax + b
- https://www.desmos.com/calculator/wwpunn6ipg?lang=en
- called Weierstrass form
- example: Bitcoin curve
- y^2 = x^3 + 7
- p = 2^256 - 2^32 - 2^9 -2^8 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^4 - 1
- properties
- symmetric along the x-axis
- for any point on the curve A, we can get its mirror point, called -A, by simply mirroring its y coordinate
- if we draw a line through any of two points not lying on a vertical line, it will intersect the curve
at exactly one more point
- reflection of that point is called the sum of A and B
- if we draw a tangent line through any point A lying on a curve, it will intersect the curve at exactly one point
- call this point -2A
- with that we can define multiplication by number
- A + 2A = 3A
- example, to get 10A: 2A = A + A 4A = 2A + 2A 8A = 4A + 4A 10A = 8A + 2A
- symmetric along the x-axis
- summary
- what we can do
- addition of two points: (A + B)
- subtraction of two points: A — B = (A + (-B))
- multiplication by two: 2A
- multiplying by any integer: k * Point
- what we can’t do
- multiplication of two points
- division of a point over another point
- division of a point over a scalar value
- addition of two points on an elliptic curve (or the addition of one point to itself) yields
a third point on the elliptic curve whose location has no immediately obvious relationship
to the locations of the first two
- repeating this many times over yields a point nP that may be essentially anywhere
- makes the elliptic curves very good for cryptography
- reverting this process, i.e., given Q=nP and P, and determining n, can only be done by trying out
all possible n
- an effort that is computationally intractable if n is large
- reverting this process, i.e., given Q=nP and P, and determining n, can only be done by trying out
all possible n
- analogy: point P on a circle
- if you had a point P on a circle, adding 42.57 degrees to its angle may still be a point "not too far" from P, but adding 1000 or 1001 times 42.57 degrees will yield a point that requires a bit more complex calculation to find the original angle
- addition of two points on an elliptic curve (or the addition of one point to itself) yields
a third point on the elliptic curve whose location has no immediately obvious relationship
to the locations of the first two
- what we can do
- elliptic curve:
y² = x³ + ax + b
- elliptic curve over finite field:
y² mod p = x³ + ax + b mod p
- both parts of the equation are now under the modulo p
- to define an elliptic curve, we now need three variables: a, b, and p
- p is called the order of an elliptic curve
- example
- secp256k1 (used in Bitcoin)
- a=0
- b=7
- p=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663
- visualisation: https://graui.de/code/elliptic2/
- parameters
- a = 0
- b = 7
- p = 11
- parameters
- secp256k1 (used in Bitcoin)
- properties
- has a finite set of points
- works like an elliptic curve
- preserves all the properties and formulas of the "original" elliptic curve
- only difference: slightly modify formulas by executing them mod p
- multiplicative inverse can be found by the Extended Euclidean algorithm -
- multiplicative inverse can be found by the Extended Euclidean algorithm -
- order of the point
- every point on a curve has its own order n
- example
- if the order
of pointC
is 12, it means that 12C = 0
13C = C
,16C = 4C
,27C = 3C
, etc
- if the order
- example
- every point on a curve has its own order n
- some curves form a single cyclic group
- others form several non-overlapping cyclic subgroups
- points on the curve are split into h cyclic subgroups
- r - "order" of the cyclic subgroup (the total number of all points in the subgroup)
- points on the curve are split into h cyclic subgroups
- number of cyclic subgroups is called "cofactor"
- if the curve consists of only one cyclic subgroup, its cofactor h = 1
- example: secp256k1
- if the curve consists of several subgroups, its cofactor > 1
- example: Curve25519
- cofactor = 8
- example: Curve25519
- if the curve consists of only one cyclic subgroup, its cofactor h = 1
- others form several non-overlapping cyclic subgroups
- discrete logarithm problem
- G generates a subgroup of an EC over a field F, P is another member of EC => find k: P = kG
- known algorithms have exponential time complexity (n - order of the group)
- intuition: point multiplication is not a straightforward, linear process
- defined by a combination of point addition and doubling operations
- no known efficient way to "reverse" it
- outline of the problem
- when trying to sum two points of the elliptic curve which are respective
negatives, the straight line crossing the two does not intersect the elliptic curve in any other point
- similar problem with doubling top point
- in both of these cases we say that the resulting point lies at infinity and we typically label it
- when trying to sum two points of the elliptic curve which are respective
negatives, the straight line crossing the two does not intersect the elliptic curve in any other point
- point at infinity:
is the identity element of elliptic curve arithmetic - geometric interpretation
- prerequisite
- projective plane
- is a geometric structure that extends the concept of a plane
- intuition: ordinary plane + "points at infinity" where parallel lines intersect
- some lines in the plane intersect, but some don’t and it's arbitrary
- projective planes allow you to smooth out this irritating problem by forcing lines to intersect
- any two distinct lines in a projective plane intersect at exactly one point
- some lines in the plane intersect, but some don’t and it's arbitrary
- anything that satisfies these rules is a projective plane
- every pair of points is connected by a line
- every line intersects every other line
- there are four points such that no line contains more than two of them. (This third condition is not always listed, but it rules out silly cases such as 2 points on one line or several lines that go through one point.)
- example
- finite - Fano plane
- smallest finite projective plane
- counterintuitive
- it does not have infinitely many points but only 7
- lines aren’t made of points, they’re just lines
- one of the lines looks like a circle
- lines aren’t made of infinitely many points
- the circle is really just a line
- lines aren’t made of infinitely many points
- it does not have infinitely many points but only 7
- inifite - Real Projective Plane
- this is a rather natural model of things we see in reality
- suppose you are standing on parallel train tracks and looking out towards the horizon
- the tracks are parallel, but they appear to converge to a point on the horizon
- suppose you are standing on parallel train tracks and looking out towards the horizon
- construction
- for each set of parallel lines on the plane attach a point "at infinity" that is connected
to all of them
- now all the lines intersect
- to take care of the requirement that every pair of points is connected by exactly one line
- call the set of all the "points at infinity" the "line at infinity"
- for each set of parallel lines on the plane attach a point "at infinity" that is connected
to all of them
- another, more symmetric way to define the real projective plane
- think of a point in the real projective plane as a ratio (a:b:c) of three real numbers
- called: homogeneous coordinates
- we only care about the ratio between the numbers
- we use the notation
for a projective point to emphasize this fact - example: (2:4:5) and (6:12:15) describe the same point
- we use the notation
- line is then defined as the set of solutions
to a linear equationαx+βy+γz=0
for some fixedα
- equivalent to first definition
- each point either has
=> we can normalize so thatz=1
and then take(x:y:1)
to be the point(x,y)
=> form the new line where(x:y:0)
corresponds to the direction with "slope"y/x
(or the vertical direction, ifx
)- these are lines going through the origin
- three-dimensional space is reduced to two dimensions by treating lines passing through the origin as a single point
- each point either has
- equivalent to first definition
- think of a point in the real projective plane as a ratio (a:b:c) of three real numbers
- this is a rather natural model of things we see in reality
- finite - Fano plane
- projectivization of elliptic curves
- let
x = X∕Z
,y = Y∕Z
, assumes the form:Y2Z = X3 + aXZ2 + bZ3
- observation: if
is a point on the curve, so is(𝜆X,𝜆Y,𝜆Z)
for any𝜆
- solutions
- if Z ≠ 0, then we can divide X, Y by Z, consider x = X∕Z, y = Y∕Z and get a solution of the affine equation
- if Z = 0, then division by Z is not allowed, so that there are points on the projective curve that do not correspond to points on the affine curve
- These points have the form (0 ∶ y ∶ 0), for any y ≠ 0.
- Given that points in the projective plane are defined as equivalence classes, we can choose the following point O = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0), called the point at infinity or the neutral element
- intuitively think that O is a point located infinitely high (and low) on the y-axis
- observation: if
- point at infinity in projective space
- we have elliptic curve
- paste picture above on the plane 𝑧=1
- now we can assign every projective lines
with the affine points(𝑥,𝑦)
pasted on the plane𝑧=1
- all except for one such projective line:
- which is exactly the point at infinity
- explanation
- take a first picture and start drawing lines in
and further and further points on EC- you are closer and closer to y axis
- and now do the same but start from
and draw inR3
- you will get closer and closer to
axis asz
will be smaller and smaller - in the limit toward infinity, you just get the
- you will get closer and closer to
- take a first picture and start drawing lines in
- all except for one such projective line:
- now we can assign every projective lines
- we have elliptic curve
- let
- what we have
- set of "global" public variables of elliptic curve
- config (a, b, p)
- Point G (Generator Point)
- lies on the curve
- G can generate any other point in its subgroup by multiplying G by some integer in the range [0...r]
- order n of point G
- order of the cyclic subgroup (the total number of all points in the subgroup)
- PrivateKey
- any random integer
- kept in secret by its "owner"
- deriving public key from private key
- private key = randomly generated number k
- public key = private key * G
- PublicKey
- just point on the curve
- there is no way to extract the PrivateKey back
- set of "global" public variables of elliptic curve
- signing a message
- what we have
- PrivateKey
- message
- algorithm
- generate a random integer k
- it should be a big number in range
[1, n-1]
- it should be a big number in range
- calculate point
R = G * k
- signature: a pair of integers
(r, s)
r = Rx mod n
- (if r == 0 start again with new k)
s = (message + r*PrivateKey)*k^(-1) mod n
- k^(-1) is multiplicative inverse of k
- generate a random integer k
- what we have
- verifying a signature
- what we have
- PublicKey
- message
- signature
(r, s)
- algorithm
- calculate U
U = message * s^(-1) mod n
- s^(-1) is multiplicative inverse of s
- calculate V
V = r*s^(-1) mod n
- s^(-1) is multiplicative inverse of s
- calculate point C
- C = U * G + V * PublicKey
- if c.x mod n = r => valid
- calculate U
- proof
C = U * G + V * PublicKey
- substitute with definitions
C = message * s^(-1) * G + r * s^(-1) * G * PrivateKey
C = G * s^(-1) * (message + r * PrivateKey)
- from the signing algorithm:
s = (message + r * PrivateKey) * k^(-1)
s^(-1) = (message + r * PrivateKey)^(-1) * k
- after substitution:
C = Gk
- thus, if the signature is correct, the x coordinate of C mod n is equal to r
(which is, by its definition, the same x coordinate of G * k)
- from signing algo: r = Rx mod n, where = Gk
- thus, if the signature is correct, the x coordinate of C mod n is equal to r
(which is, by its definition, the same x coordinate of G * k)
- from the signing algorithm:
- what we have