GDTF: The General Device Type Format
is an open standard for describing devices of the entertainment industry. These devices may be lighting fixtures, trusses, distribution boxes, media servers, lasers or other devices used in the entertainment industry. This documentation describes DIN SPEC 15800:2022-02 also known as GDTF, version 1.2.
MVR: The My Virtual Rig
file format is an open standard which allows programs to share data and geometry of a scene for the entertainment industry. A scene is a set of parametric objects such as fixtures, trusses, video screens, and other objects that are used in the entertainment industry. This documentation describes DIN SPEC 15801:2023-12 also known as MVR, version 1.6.
The GDTF file format is standardized in DIN SPEC 15800:2022-02.
The MVR file format is standardized in DIN SPEC 15801:2023-12.
The library currently supports all features of DIN SPEC 15800:2022-02 (GDTF 1.2), DIN SPEC 15801:2023-12 (MVR 1.6), and supports OSX, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.
Use CMake to build the project. Make sure XERCES variables are properly set. You would need boost and xerces-c as dependencies.
A good example of how to build in on mac and win can be found in the GitHub Actions workflow file libMVRgdtf/.github/workflows/build-static.yml
Contains all the project related files.
Contains media images used for the github page.
Contains the libary.
Contains xerces
Contains the source code.
Contains all unit test related files.
For help with GDTF and MVR file formats, visit forum on the GDTF Share.
For help the library itself, open an issue here at Github.
For the legal details, see the LICENSE file.